Saturday, 30 December 2017

Day 4 - 364 -- Power of Little Things

When I woke this morning the sunshine filled the house. The furry one parked in the large light patch in the kitchen showing his golden undercoat in all its glory. By afternoon a few snowflakes danced in the air sparkling in the sunshine. The day was spent doing the ordinary tasks of a weekend -- laundry and cooking -- with some time devoted to writing an abstract for an upcoming conference submission. In the evening, I had a great chat with a friend who had just returned from a holiday visit with family.

While still feeling the effects of entropy and lethargy, I did appreciate the sunlight today. Taking note of the beauty around us sometimes takes effort. Other times it is big, bold and in your face. <smile> Coping with the chaos of life and keeping on track isn't easy. Finding the energy to juggle life's curves and hills can take more effort than is available. That is when seeing the beauty in the world can provide that slight lift to get things moving for us. I need to find a way to remind myself to look for the small things -- do they make alarm clocks like that? <smile>

A song came to mind when thinking of the inner and outer beauty that we sometimes miss seeing. It is by a wonderful singer-songwriter. It comes from an amazing album that I played many times. I loved the cover -- the singer with her tabby cat, Telemachus. Enjoy!

Beautiful -- Carole King

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