Thursday, 28 December 2017

Day 4 - 362 -- Cleaning and Clearing

Another very cold day today but with very little wind. Sunshine appeared for part of the morning followed by cloud that has led to snow. The total accumulation should be small, if the computer models used by the weather gurus have this correct. There is just enough right now to cover the ice and make walking trickier than earlier in the day. The temperatures are to warm a bit, but still be well below freezing. I know, it is winter now <smile>.

The indoor work involved much dusting, sweeping and vacuuming. It was a real workout and cheaper than joining a gym <smile>. It felt good to have the time to devote to cleaning more than the light surface touch ups of mid - to late academic term. I'm hoping to do a number of other cleaning and clearing tasks in the next two days. This work has a great purpose and gives the brain time to rest or think through conundrums. It is the internal decluttering that comes with the external clearing of detritus. Given the major muscle and brain work of today, I'm hoping that there is no need to push snow tomorrow -- the muscles need a brief rest between workouts.

A lyric line seemed to fit the cleaning of cluttery areas. The tempo is upbeat and the lyrics are fun. Enjoy!

Incense and Peppermints -- Strawberry Alarm Clock

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