Friday, 8 December 2017

Day 4 - 341 -- Signs of the Season

This week Christmas definitely seems to be in the air. For some time now, the stores have been decorated and playing Christmas music. The music began in late November, but the decoration and holiday products have been out since mid-October. Christmas movies -- the lower rated variety -- have been on television for about a month. But, this week, the lights and trees in town have been more noticeable to me. I received my first card and letter on Monday. I got the tree and lights up in the living room,, which brings a sense of peace looking at the lights in the darkness -- and there is more of that than daylight for another couple of weeks <smile>. The furry guy is happy to have 'his' tree back. He loves it. We will try to get a few pewter and cloth ornaments placed on the upper branches this weekend. I will also find a wreath for the front porch in the coming few days. Today I received the first Christmas gift. That makes it official. <smile>  I even addressed some cards while invigilating an exam on Tuesday and three holiday gatherings occurred during the week. It has begun in earnest.

My mood has been one of conflict -- moments of happiness with feelings of sadness and frustration. Memories of past holiday times spent with family and friends bring mixed emotions -- bittersweet since many of those people are no longer with us to celebrate in person. Others are geographically distant, so we don't spend the holidays together as often as we once did. The holidays often bring negative emotions for many people. Our consumer society builds the expectation of an ideal Christmas by telling us to buy more to feel better. That isn't the way it works, is it? <smile>   For students and instructors, the end of term coincides with the holiday seasons, bringing much angst into a celebration time already fraught with high expectations. Perhaps we could bake fewer items, buy fewer gifts, donate our time and skills to serve others, and listen -- to the voices of others and to our inner selves. Finding a sense of peace in the lights or laughter would be a different goal than marketers continually foist upon us.

In honour of the seasonal festivities and decorations, a song came to mind as I drove through town this week. I first heard this song sung by Bing Crosby with his amazing baritone. He made singing look like a cakewalk <smile>. The version I share here today is from a more recent male singer with an amazingly smooth voice, as well. This arrangement is a bit different from the original Crosby version. Enjoy!

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas -- Michael Buble

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