Grading is a challenge. It can feel excruciating when some questions are answered less precisely than expected. Grading a single question across the full set of exams can be mind-numbingly repetitive. Yet, reading responses that clearly show that major concepts were understood can be validating. The key to grading seems to be that once you check in with yourself -- generally between questions -- it is best to understand if you need food, fluid or a break to move around. If the mood alters in a negative fashion, it is time to step away. A conundrum presents itself since getting the things done becomes paramount, but needing to do the job well has to trump that. Again, just walk away for a short break. Even the time it takes to put one load into the dryer and another into the washer can be more than enough time to recentre.
So -- that was my day -- very repetitive, but productive, which I put down to taking wee moments away from the exams to enhance the ability to focus. Some days this works much better than others. Today, it went well. A song line -- well several lines at the end of a song -- came to mind that described the repeated processes of the day. The cover shared here has a harsher sound than the original and brings a sense of desperation with it - something like my day of grading <smile>. Enjoy!
Crimson and Clover -- Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
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