Friday, 27 April 2018

Day 5 - 117 -- Change and Worry?

The day saw several tasks completed and several more intermediate steps done. So, I'm all set for the weekend work -- taxes, household accounts and judging some research articles. The day was filled with sunshine again and the sky tonight is amazing with the almost full moon and stars. We expect that rain may visit on the weekend, but I'm hoping we'll see the moon, too.

I was getting boxes filled with shredding and putting files that need to be kept for 12 months into boxes for storage. This is usual at end of term, but the pile of boxes to go to the storage room is bigger than I'd expected. I'm sure I'll find someone who can lift them on (and off) a cart for transport down the hall. I worry about end of year cleanup -- papers, files and communication. Needless stress, but it is present. Changes shouldn't be so problematic. I love the transition seasons because I can see changes occur daily in the world around me. So, why when I'm in the midst of making those changes does this create some anxiety? It might be the time sensitive nature of some of the changes I must facilitate. Or it could be due to the external pressures on me to complete the tasks -- little non-conformist me <smile>. When I'm watching changes occur around me -- spring flowers, trees budding, grass growing -- it is exciting to see what is new. When I have to make the things 'new' -- not so exciting. I'll have to find a better way of looking at this so I can move forward smoothly instead of hesitantly -- that forced procrastination that I feel some days.

Lines from a song ran through my head. I've used this song before here, but have chosen a cover version instead of those with the original singers. The artist performing here has been featured often here, including the song for the first day almost 4-1/2 years ago. He does the song justice. Listen for the keyboards in the background -- wonderful. Enjoy!

Don't Worry Baby -- Billy Joel

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