Monday, 2 April 2018

Day 5 - 92 -- Inefficiency

The final Monday 8:15 of the term was today. Much activity on the weekend led to classroom activity today and desk and computer activity into the afternoon. I found myself running from one place to the next -- like a rat scurrying in a maze. Lots of tasks completed and others underway. The final group of grading before final exams was completed at home tonight. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home from work and for the first time in a very long time -- I repeated the total with a question in my vocal inflection. Like really? I bought things that were on the list, several of which were on sale. I did get a 3 or 4 items not on the list because they were on sale and one because I remembered needing it while wandering the vast expanse of aisles and products. Again, it felt like a rat in a maze.

Physical fatigue from doing one thing at a time can be big. Ticking through the 'to do' list but not organizing trips to printers, mail, main office and such can become very uncoordinated. Taking three tasks down the hall seems more efficient than three or four separate trips. Such was the way of my Monday -- constant motion even when seated <smile>. Once home, I made several trips down stairs to do different tasks, rather than grouping things as I generally try to do. My brain seems not willing to organize things -- again that decision fatigue I spoke of here. Maybe this is the mind's way of working to avoid further decisions -- just allowing one task at a time into the mix and when that is done the next starts. Nothing runs together. Or maybe I just need more sleep in order to kick things into high gear brain-wise. Now that is a goal I can get behind <smile>.

Earlier in the day I read about a song that was recorded on April 2 1964 -- 54 years ago. It is one that can stick in a mind <smile>. It melds together three wonderful styles - a capella intro, rock verses, and a great falsetto chorus. It is from the very early days of an historic band and sound. Enjoy!

I get around -- The Beach Boys

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