Temperatures were warmer than yesterday on this second sunny day of the week. The sky had some wispy clouds and contrails of the jets heading east hung in the air longer than usual. When walking around dusk, I looked up at the bright moon and saw a jet flying below the moon with bright sunlight glinting off the body and wings -- it was stunning. One major work task was completed today with one last related task to complete later in the week. The evening was spent at a graduation banquet filled with excited students. Today was the last day of exams, too.
While driving and walking around campus and town today, many cars and trucks were loading bags, boxes and furnishings as students moved out. Excitement was palpable. It brings me back to my times heading home with my dad after final exams. It was always a fun-filled journey. Seeing graduating students finish their last exam of their undergraduate career and seeing others celebrating at the banquet, made me think of the moment and all that lies ahead of these people as they step into their future careers. What that will look like has yet to be revealed -- goals and dreams will drive that. There will be bumps along the way, but they often lead to something wonderful that wouldn't have happened without the downturn. One thing is certain, there will be change. <smile> We just need to recognize and accept opportunities as they shape shift in front of us.
Pondering the concept of change and what the future can hold, I thought of a song that reflects the change that is constant in life. The lyrics speak to revelation and hope. The artists are a new duo -- a surprising combination of vocal talents. The song uses a style that reminds me of a warmer part of the world -- a pleasant thought as spring moves towards warmer days. You may want to check out the new album 44/876 released last Friday. Enjoy!
Morning is Coming -- Sting and Shaggy
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