Saturday, 21 April 2018

Day 5 - 111 -- History of the Day

The Google Doodle today commemorated the 177th anniversary of the birth of  Jennie Trout, the first woman to be licensed as a physician in Canada. She and Emily Stowe attended U of Toronto for undergraduate work, and were treated poorly being the first women to enter higher study at that institution. After her program, she enrolled in a US medical college for women. She returned to Canada and was licensed to practice. The in mid-1800s, this occurred as the nursing profession was beginning -- a time when working women were not accepted by society.

Locally, the Scots of the area gathered to remember Culloden, which occurred on April 16, 1746.  The loss of this battle between the English forces and the Highlanders, marked the forced ending of the clan structures, when even having a small square of tartan was treated as treasonous. It was an horrific but quick battle, where most Scots were killed. Survivors were sent to prison, sold into servitude, and exiled. Scots moved throughout Europe and into the Americas, with many settling in Nova Scotia -- hence the name -- and across North America. Survivors of Culloden settled north of town and a memorial cairn was built much later. That is where the ceremonies are held each year.

Given the local event today and Jennie Trout, who was born in Scotland, the song that seemed to fit had to deal with Scots in some manner. The immigration to Canada over the centuries is celebrated in the song shared here today. It is sung by a band from the West coast of Canada -- Vancouver. Enjoy!

The Old Sod -- Spirit of the West

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