After leaving the parking lot, I headed to the car dealership. Somewhere on the passenger side there was a sloshy water noise. Who am I kidding? It sounded like major waves on Lake Superior coming from the door area. The service manager said it was in the door likely due to a leakage in the seal around the door and window. They can see me next week on Monday unless someone cancels in the interim. Why the water isn't draining well needs to be checked -- those little holes designed to do just that must be clogged with some schmutz of some sort. When it isn't pouring rain -- as it was again today -- I'll get down and check to see if I can unclog them somehow. The less than good news is that forecasters predict rain almost daily for a week or so.
Pondering the wave motion in the car at stop lights and signs, brought a song to mind. The title is what I think happened in the major rain on the weekend <smile>. Off to find some oars just in case <giggle>. Enjoy!
Catch a Wave -- The Beach Boys
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