The day was hot and humid. Even the office provided a tropical feel. Air-conditioning helped, but not a lot. I had to keep washing my hands as I worked through more files, binders and such. The humidity made them feel wet and any dust or paper debris seemed to stick to the palms -- or so I imagined <smile>. By the end of the day, the stickiness of the humidity made me wish for a shower to de-stickify. I finally read the e-mail that had arrived during the work day and found one from my wonderful neighbours. They found a great spot for me to park the car for the next 3+days -- in behind the house next to them. Students generally rent there, but only one is present this summer leaving oodles of room for my car. Yay! As I read this and was cheering, I noticed an invitation for supper, too. They have three window air conditioners in the large house so it is cooler than outside. She had even used the oven to bake the meal! So, the day ended with a lovely visit.
The sidewalk construction and heat made me feel disoriented -- a feeling that was echoed as I sorted through older research files. Some files to save, some to shred, some to recycle. It is rather mind-numbing and required me to take brief breaks to walk around the building in hopes of clearing my head. The weather outdoors and indoors clouded the mind even with the bit of physical activity. The illusion of sleep occurred last night, but the heat indoors made is less restful. I found neighbours sitting on the front porches in the evening -- even with the construction just a few feet away. Given the noise or the indoor heat, they chose the noise. I think I understand that choice <smile>.
With the noise from the street today, a line from a song came to mind. It is one from the '80s with a voice that was with us from 1960s-2016. Enjoy!
The Heat is on -- Glenn Frey
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