Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Day 5 - 206 -- Reflective Conversations

A conversation this week led me to interesting places. It was an online chat -- so they can be substantive <smile>. We typed about taking risks when opportunities present themselves in life. Major changes come with a mixture of terror and happy excitement. In a second online discussion, I noted that my advice to my younger self might have been to be open to changes that present themselves. Never say 'never' <smile> since that closes doors before you have a chance to peek inside or walk in and look around before committing. I've been called a risk taker, which totally surprised me years ago. Now, I see what that mentor saw. I was and I am -- but reasoned risk not crazy brain-turned-off kind of risk. <grin>.

In the first online chat conversation, I read, "Sometimes, I feel like its amazing any of us get old." In the context of the death of a younger adult, this made sense, Though, it also made me think through the risk my friend was considering. I noted -- being the one who is retiring -- that all we can do is to live each day to the fullest and work to become the best 'you' possible. These goals take work and can be scary at times, but moving forward in whichever chosen direction beats the hell out of living in fear of change or forward movement. More advice for my younger self perhaps.

I did ask my conversant if they had a song that might fit such advice and he came back with three excellent choices. One is shared here today and the others are on a list of potential blog post material. This one is from a genre that I've used a few times, but not as often as I could. The chorus says what we were discussing -- take the chance when it is in front of you. The beat is mesmerizing and lyrics say so much. Enjoy!

NOTE: This one does come with a language warning -- one word used twice.

Lose Yourself -- Eminem

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