Sunday, 15 July 2018

Day 5 - 196 -- Frozen Treat Day

Temperatures rose a bit today with rain on the grass for most of the day -- it just didn't evaporate due to the humid air mass entering our region. While it felt warmer outside, there was more time with cloud cover than with full sun. For that reason, the yard work I did was not as onerous as I'd expected. As the sun went behind clouds the breeze was quite refreshing. I weeded the front flower beds and cut back some tree suckers and the spreading ferns. This allowed the hosta the space it needs to flourish and bloom. The large green bin was almost full when I finished.

The other item that we keep seeing on the newsfeeds is that today in National Ice Cream day -- in the US. The holiday was designated by President Reagan 34 years ago to be celebrated the third Sunday of July. The full month was also declared Ice Cream Month. Six years ago I was at a conference in the US on this day. The hotel set up a make-your-own ice cream sundae bar in the main lobby. Large soup sized bowls were provided with staff scooping ice cream of your flavour choice. The we could wander around adding the toppings. It was a fun event and was free to those in the lobby. My ice cream this evening will be a cone with strawberry frozen yogurt. Yum! 

Ice cream and summer go together. Even when ice cream or some other frozen dessert hides in the freezer all year 'round, summer is the season when the cold confection fits best. Choices come in many flavours and the novelty items in many shapes. Yet, even with the huge variety, most of us have a favourite. Mine is strawberry, though the coconut ice cream I had in Singapore runs a close second -- just not a flavour we find in local grocery stores too often.

The song chosen for today brings with it the fun associated with ice cream. It is a parody of a well-known rock song. It seemed fitting for the day dedicated to ice cream. Enjoy!

I Love Rocky Road -- Weird 'Al" Yankovic

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