Saturday, 28 July 2018

Day 5 - 208 -- Changes on the Way

The calm before the storm -- packing into boxes and the campus and town readying for national Special Olympics arrivals.

The day began with heavy cloud and a dampness that made the breeze feel cool, even when it really wasn't. I headed to my physio to figure out what is up with the knee I twisted badly yesterday afternoon. Seems it is most likely a bursitis aggravated by the stretching of tendons during the twist while kneeling on a harder surface. Stairs created pain, particularly while going down, but some weight-bearing getting up from seated position or going up stairs was also accompanied by pain. With some icing and care it should improve over the next few days.

The day had moments that made me think of future changes in the offing. The office clearing is nearing the end. Still much to do, but the rhythm will change. The campus showed signs of readying for the incoming athletes, coaches and spectators for the Special Olympics. Something new and different is in the offing for the next week. When I left campus by early evening, there was no traffic on the road entered at the turn off campus. That is so rare and certainly not what will be present in the coming few days. On an up note, the front porch has been finished. The house painting will begin again next week and should be done quickly depending on the weather -- how quickly will the paint dry?

Given the major changes racing in this direction and the heavy cloud of the past couple of days that led nowhere, I felt a bit anxious about the potential changes. I found myself stating a phrase that is also the title of the shared song today. The lyrics speak to taking things for granted -- like cool air when sleeping, parking near the office, going to a restaurant without a reservation -- all things that will change for a a few days. <smile> Enjoy!

Calm before the Storm -- Paul Brandt

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