Thursday, 4 July 2019

Day 6 - 184 -- Reducing Mozzie Libido

Two days rolled into one here to make the numbers match up. Seems I added an extra day somewhere along the way -- must have been a very long day to lead me to that. <smile>.  We are now two days into the second half of the year. Where does the time go? It seems that these last six months moved way too quickly with goals set still not met. How does that happen? It isn't that I'm sitting like a lump -- things are happening, but several are not moving along as I'd expected (and hoped) they might. This includes research projects as well as house and me projects. Perhaps even the 'to do' list for the year is overly ambitious just as those for weeks, weekends, and days. More questions to ponder before I find answers to this phenomenon.

Listening to the morning 'talk-sprinkled with news bits' show today, I heard the announcer note that playing music could ward off mosquitoes. Being a person who will get several bites when no one around me even notices a single mozzie in their vicinity, I'll admit my ears perked up. This tidbit came from a 'research' study with no details provided. So, I hunted up a news item from  It seems that playing a single song by an Electric Dance Music artist on repeat for 10 minutes will reduce the females having sex which leads to biting for blood. Now, this was shown with one species of mosquito, the one responsible for yellow fever transmission. It also appeared that one song was more effective than others. Sound does have an impact on sexual activity in the insects, but more work is needed to determine if this works for other strains and how to put this into more practical use. Imagine everyone in their back yards playing the same song over and over. For me that would be one more reason to head indoors. I share that Grammy winning song here. Enjoy!

 Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites -- Skrillex

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