Saturday, 6 July 2019

Day 6 - 186 -- Historic Meeting

Mercy -- it is so hot outside and consequently inside as well. The thermometer inside is 27 in kitchen and 30 in bedroom. Outside was just over 30C feeling like 40C (105ish F). The forecast notes this will break overnight and provide cooler -- while still summery -- temperatures and dryer air mass. I do hope this prediction is correct. This type of weather makes it difficult to do outdoor work and reduces the heat producing indoor tasks like vacuuming or cooking. I was happy to do laundry as the basement is cooler than upstairs.

Music history began 62 years ago today, when Paul McCartney met John Lennon at a church outing. Lennon's skiffle band (The Quarrymen) were playing. They were still in high school. Legend has it that McCartney impressed Lennon with his guitar skills and showed the band members how to tune their own guitars. Imagine what the world would be like had these two not met. Many songs would not have been written and the Beatles would not have evolved. It wouldn't be just music that suffered,  this group provided global culture, style and thought impacts.

There are so many potential songs to share today, but one spoke to me more than others. Since these songwriters were introduced to each other, this song fit that time and some of the future changes as well. Enjoy!

Hello, Goodbye -- The Beatles

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