Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Day 6 - 190 -- Travelling in Circles

The day involved dealing with a couple of truly silly situations. I tried to purchase a product online, but the website refused to process the payment. I checked the credit card and nothing had been charged -- thankfully. I called customer care to hear that I'd have to complete some form -- that had been online -- and return it to the speaker -- then the payment could be processed. It seems the file sent to me is a pdf format, meaning I have to print, complete, scan and return and then chat longer to provide my payment information. I chose to purchase this from a different vendor with functional online purchase. I will explain to this large (as in international) company that their lack of concern over the website had me move elsewhere. I suspect i'm not alone. <sigh>

Other things went well through the day, yet I continued to feel like I was on a hamster wheel or something going in circles -- something unsteady from which I couldn't escape. Perhaps there are just too many balls in the air (to use a different metaphor) that any semblance of control has vanished. When new tasks enter the periphery or are rude enough to place themselves within my personal place only inches from my face, dealing with these can make a person a bit cranky as well as frustrated. To regain control of just a wee corner, may mean giving oneself permission to deal with what is directly blocking the way, but recognizing that something less urgent will have to wait. Expecting to continue to do things as originally planned may be part -- a big part -- of the emotional response. How to recognize this need will take some work.

A wonderful song with fantastic poetic lyrics fits my feeling today. The metaphor of going in circles in an unsteady vehicle certainly works <smile>. The song merges folk with a type of calypso percussion and a sitar to produce a trippy type of psychedelic sound. Enjoy!

Ferris Wheel -- Donovan

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