Monday, 15 July 2019

Day 6 - 192 -- Excitement and Anticipation

The day began very early with a ride to the airport. Next there were two flights headed south complete with border crossings. The latter involved walking down back hallways for what seems like 2 km -- a good 15 minute walk. The final destination was new to me -- an airport and a state I'd never visited before. At the carousel I met a friend I hadn't seen in 7 years and then we met two other friends at the curb for the ride to a hotel about 40 minutes by the urban area and well into the countryside. Once settled we headed out for supper across the street. Conversation was easy, as if we'd only been out together a couple weeks ago. Tomorrow we will meet up with four other friends. The excitement reminded me of a feeling I'd had as a child when something big was just one sleep away <grin>.

Excitement is somewhat like anxiety -- lots of adrenaline, difficulty sleeping and likelihood of tears. Yet, this surrounds something fun and not as scary as situations that bring anxiety into focus. Perhaps these are related emotions. Each needs a bit of management to avoid their becoming overwhelming. After long days of travel for the four of us, we chose to rest instead of heading into a lengthy chat session. I admit that this was a good decision since fatigue is major at present.

A song that ran through my mind often today outlines the anticipation I experienced. I love the tempo  and  rhythm changes. Enjoy!

I Gotta Feeling -- Black Eyed Peas

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