Monday, 5 August 2019

Day 6 - 216 -- Finding Hope

The highlight of this holiday Monday was a great chat with a close friend. It has been a while since we had a long chat to catch up on our lives. While speaking o f some of the challenges along with the positives, my friend noted a line from a song. It used a wonderful metaphor for hope. Even when things seem overwhelmingly gloomy, all is not lost. I likened it to the difficulties with the eaves trough that seem difficult to rectify. There was a small space that was about 5 inches long where light is clearly visible between the eaves and the roof. The downside is this brings a deluge of water onto the porch as it runs off the roof and misses the trough. We managed to get the space down to about 1.5 inches. Then a new person chose to replace the support with one from home -- not new but has lots of visible rust on it <sigh>. That outmaneuver, put us back at 4-5 inches of light shining through since the sealant we'd used earlier was broken. This happened last fall when the same person painted the house, replacing the eaves without resealing them. So, while an overwhelming frustration exists due to the visible light, there is light visible. Great metaphor that changed my viewpoint of the issue.

I've shared here before that  all things will pass, really like the light metaphor. Shakespeare said things very well with a similar visual metaphor in Sonnet 148, "The sun itself sees not till heaven clears". The poet who wrote the phrase shares his own metaphor and philosophy in the selection for today -- "There is a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in." I found this message particularly hopeful for some of his darker writings. This version if by the poet himself with that amazing voice. Enjoy!

Anthem -- Leonard Cohen

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