Monday, 26 August 2019

Day 6 - 237 -- Mixed Bags

Today has been a mixed bag. More info about a major stress clarified some bits and created new worries. A date to move the office contents to the 'new to me' space has been determined after much confusion.  Now all I need to do is  complete the transfer of this vs to boxes.  Lights are  on in the  kitchen again today. After a month or more without the major ceiling fixture functioning, a good friend installed the fluorescent tubes for me today. I could finally see well to cook supper!  In fact, the brightness of the lights seems almost too bright. I'm sure I will get used to this again. The work day ended with a chat with an IT tech. It seems the resear h laptop is being  odd due to it nearing a hard drive failure. Data was saved and a recommendation for a replacement will be made soon. Not a do dercul message  but there is someone to help with that one.

Ups and downs I  a day can be easy to manage or not. It all depends on how up or down each event takes a person. Working from a tablet at home is challenging and not all bits are easy to do on a smaller screen and different apps vs. Software. It is a hurdle that will be managed. I may even learn how to use new hardware like a bluetooth keyboard. ☺ Other bits of life will take more time and effort.

A song that involves many events of a day and notes the up and down nature of them all, seemed best to share for my musings today. It is longer and is from the early career of someone who has continued a music career. Enjoy!

Almost Independance Day --   Van Morrison

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