Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Day 6 - 231 -- Unexpected Messages

The day began with great sun and a stiff breeze to temper the direct sun rays. Writing for a major project was at the top of the list and I felt so ready to dive into that process. I sent a couple of needed e-mails for other projects and then moved to clear the email list. One of these brought unwanted news -- news that increased feelings of anxiety, fear and panic. Now, just so you breathe, I am fine physically, but have a new major unknown to deal with -- too many questions that need to answered to clarify when, where, how and such. So, major plans can't be made until more details arrive

Many situations can bring challenging emotions. Today the physical result was nausea and hyperperistalsis -- uncomfortable at best. I expect major sleep disruption and deficit if past experience tells me anything. Why people feel e-mail is the way to blindside someone is unclear to me, unless it is the cowards way to deliver less than pleasant news.However, this delivery method can let the recipient digest the message core and maybe clarify the questions that might arise through panic if done by phone or face-to-face. It would be good to have a time to speak to clarify those points/ This situation will take a while to get through processing so plans can be semi-logical.

The title of a song I heard this evening summed up the feelings well. Enjoy!

I fall to pieces -- Patsy Cline

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