Friday, 30 August 2019

Day 6 - 241 -- Golden Encounters

The high point of the day  involved a massive recycling trip to the refundable depot outside town. Just three smaller bags remain for another trip on another day. Huge thanks go to a good friend who was willing to share that work load with me and provide a larger vehicle for transport of the many bags that had accumulated.

Decluttering my mind along with the physical decluttering was part of my day. I'm working to improve focus, reduce anxiety and take the advice given to me today -- be kind to myself -- certainly not easy to do. It was warmer than expected today -- 28C that felt into the mid-30s, accompanied by a nice breeze, but big humidity. Walking in a small public garden for a few minutes today, I turned a corner and saw a golden retriever and then her person. The dog immediately locked eyes with me, stood up and walked over to me. The woman tried to restrain the dog -- but I asked if it was OK if I spoke to her. Animals have always come out to see me as I walk by -- even those I don't know. This girl needed a rest in the shade today. Her name was lovely -- Mayan -- explained as the Aztec gold colour of the fur. I felt much calmer after a brief chat with the woman and the dog. It had me move outside myself -- a good thing at that point.

The title of a song came to mind when I thought of meeting the wonderful dog (and her person) and having the assistance of another kind woman. The lyrics of the song mean something different than what I heard in some of the phrases this evening. Enjoy!

Golden Lady -- Stevie Wonder

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