So -- I'm into the final quarter of this final book in a series. I'm not sure I'm ready to say goodbye to the characters. I do wonder how things will be presented. I'm not expecting a clear cut ending wrapped in a bow. I expect there will be a number of questions left unanswered, while some major story lines will come to a clearer end. I'm surprised somewhat at the depth of emotion this final part of the story has caused. For years, this story has brought great moments of relaxation as I experienced many historical events -- a wonderful escape from the detritus of the day. There are many other books on my 'to read' shelf, so I won't be without other reading. I may even find another fantastic author or series. For now, I'm working through saying goodbye to the imaginary friends.
One song came to mind to share with this topic today. The lyrics speak to the aspects of getting lost in time. Enjoy!
Traveler in Time -- Uriah Heep
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