Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Day 8 - 333 -- Cost Conundrum

As I made breakfast today, I saw bits of snow in the air that melted as they landed on the warmer ground or porches. This evening there were the beginnings of a thin layer of ice on the porch, so I  added some grit so that no one slips or falls. When there is no snow accumulation, one might not be expecting ice on the porch, which, like a bridge, ices over before the sidewalk or road. Isn't physics cool? <grin> 

It was cold out so I put on an extra layer when I headed out for a walk and and errand. I picked up the new med. This one cost me 4% of the cost of the one not covered by the plan. Both are generic drugs. The cost difference seems odd. It made me wonder if it is like a conversation is "Sleepless in Seattle" where the daughter of a travel agent notes that no one really knows how much it costs to fly from point A to point B. Are drug costs just as shrouded in mystery? In the past with a different drug insurance I paid a flat rate for every prescription filled. This new plan is a proportion of the full drug cost but only for the drugs that are covered by the plan. I will get used to it. I'm just hoping that this med, which belongs to the same drug class and family, works as well as the one I had been taking. We'll see. I start it tonight. 

I'll admit this experience has had me scratching my head and wondering what this is all about. How can there be such a huge difference in cost between similar drugs? Why are common meds not included in the provincial plan? It is all a bit confusing, while also being interesting. I thought of several songs and settled on one of them that fits my focus on large corporate entities. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Big Money -- Rush

Day 8 - 332 -- A Good Day

Another Monday and more rain expected. Light rain fell in the morning, but by early afternoon it became heavier and much darker outside. I thought I'd miss my walk today since it was way too wet out there. When I took the recycling to the curb this evening, it wasn't raining and felt much warmer than usual. I headed out for a short walk. It felt so good to get out and move.  

Most of the day was spent in sedentary activity. I had an early phone meeting with the MD to get a new med that will be covered by the provincial pharmacare program. The med I've been on will cost way too much since it isn't covered at all. Household accounting was completed. That felt so good. Extra shredding was tackled and went to the curb with the recycling tonight. I wrote a more detailed grocery list for shopping later in the week. So, all in all, not a bad day -- for a Monday. <smile>

I pondered the usual phrase when two people part -- one of those polite things we all say. I mean it when I say it, but it can be a perfunctory phrase when coming from others. I try to make eye contact and smile when wishing people a good day or evening. That may have a greater impact. A song lyric reminded me of this phrase. It is a good response to a negative situation -- just like a smile. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Have a Nice Day -- Jon Bon Jovi


Sunday, 28 November 2021

Day 8 - 331 -- Aiming for the Centre

I woke to sunshine puddled on the kitchen floor again. That made me smile. After making a great breakfast of scrambled eggs, home fries and sauteed cherry tomatoes, I looked at things that could or should be done. This is when I heard that another rain storm is headed this way tomorrow -- with lots of rain. <sigh> Something changed in my mood to feeling a lot bluer.  

The afternoon walk occurred before sunset for a change. Walking helped me to begin to re-centre. At home I did some cooking. I made a big pot of stew and dumplings and an apple crisp. The tactile aspects of vegetable and apple chopping and the hand mixing of the crisp topping and dumpling mixture helped me see things as a bit brighter. It was just one of those days when I needed a hug. When I sat down with my afternoon chai, the furry one joined me. So, instead of sleeping elsewhere as is usual, he slept beside me. This has healing properties <smile>. The time spent in nature - with sunshine for a change, using the creative part of the brain to cook some comfort foods - my dad's stew recipe and a family favourite crisp, and communing with another species, helped me to remain closer to the centre and not get too lost in the periphery today.  

I share lyrics that reminded me that I am a work in progress <smile>. I particularly like the reference to the wind in the second verse. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

In Repair -- John Mayer

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Day 8 - 330 -- Fences and Facials

i woke to bright sunshine coming through the windows. Imagine. I don't recall how long it has been since seeing the sun, but it feels like a long time.There were intermittent clouds and short periods of spitting rain. I gingerly did laundry with time between loads. I'm still anxious about potential sewer issues. I never hurts to stretch loads out to do between other tasks -- cleaning, going for a walk, household accounting and other mundane activities. 

I haven't provided a cemetery update for a while, so here goes. The fence posts went up last weekend with little follow up activity during the days after the flooding storm. Today, four men worked most of the day to put the fence boards up. It looks pleasant, but does change the view of the closer area, while the opposite side is still clear from the height of the kitchen window. 

I went for a walk while waiting for a supper takeout order. Halfway through the circuit spitting rain began and a continuous strong wind rose. With the wind blowing in my face, I realized that the rain I heard on my hood, was actually tiny ice pellets. I've always said that this type of precipitation could provide a great facial or depilatory. It easily removes the top layer of skin while the accompanying winds can freeze the top few layers. Skies will be clear tonight, so temperatures will fall below freezing for the first time in a while. 

Looking at the fence today made me think of a song my dad enjoyed. Cole Porter wrote it and a great many people have recorded it. I chose the version by a favourite singer of dad's. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

 Don't Fence Me In -- Gene Autry


Friday, 26 November 2021

Day 8 - 329 -- Finding the Brightness

It has been a week. <sigh> Looking out the back window this morning, the ground appeared drier than it has been. Bits of rain will arrive daily for some time, with nothing large until the beginning of next week when another ~25 mm (1 inch) is forecast. I had a shower last night -- the first since Sunday due to the fear of adding too much water to an already overloaded sewer line. I share the line with three other buildings -- that's before it goes to the main. In the past, major melts have created a backup in my basement since this house is at the end of the line. I spent some time after lunch cleaning up the branches and twigs that the wind relocated during the storm. I waited for a day with less rain and for the ground to be less squishy and slippery. 

Fear -- from whatever cause -- can be disruptive. New things on the news daily and even throughout the day portray only portions of many stories. Journalists and influencers do their best to play on anxieties and get people glued to the screen - it's all about viewership or readership metrics after all with little altruism in any broadcast or social media posting. Yes, that sounds jaded, but having been involved in research in this area for over three decades confirms that there is evidence to support my disillusionment. We need to look beyond the stories to see things that are surviving, people who are helping, and that glimmer of sunshine that can symbolize hope. For me, there are many people organizing locally to help those whose homes were damaged or lost in the flood. Many supportive and helpful messages have been posted to the local Caremongers social media group. In another bright spot,  I even saw a somewhat roundish lighter area in the heavy cloud today. I'm taking that as hope that we may actually see the sun or some sunshine soon. 

While pondering the metaphoric brightness I've noticed around town this week, a song came to mind. It was featured in an animated movie that I first saw when a student chose to focus a research project on food insecurity as policy failure -- a much longer success story there <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Raining Sunshine -- Miranda Cosgrove

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Day 8 - 328 -- Rain Walk

The world is still grey, cloudy and rainy. I headed out for some groceries after lunch and it was raining when I got back to the car. By the time I drove into the driveway, the rain had stopped. I spent some time gathering materials to help me complete month end. Several months require completion, so that will be a larger job than if I'd gotten things done each month. Procrastination? Maybe. the melting of days and weeks into each other might also be part of the problem. It will be done soon, though. 

My early evening walk began with some very light rain. By the time I was a couple of blocks away, it began to fall in earnest. I chose to go forward with the walk, which I'd planned to be shorter. I did this since my jeans were already damp. By the time I got home, they were clearly wet up to mid-calf. I have been wearing rain pants, but rain seemed light and intermittent, so I didn't put them on tonight. The walking did feel fantastic, though. Tomorrow will still have a bit more rain, but forecasters are promising some sun on the weekend. That will make gathering twigs and branches that came down in the storm winds more pleasant. 

I wore my hiker boots rather than the walking shoes today. They keep my feet dry and hold my feet in place better than the shoes. I do need new runners. <smile> I smiled when I was out walking as a song entered my mind. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

These Boots are made for Walking -- Nancy Sinatra   

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Day 8 - 327 -- Taking Stock

Today people continue to take stock after the major part of the storm. Once it left here, it dropped almost twice as much rain on areas of  Cape Breton and moved on to Newfoundland. There, authorities have prepared for evacuations. We will hear and read more from those areas over the next 24 hours. 

I was struck today by the spirit of the people affected most yesterday. Many plan to renovate or fully rebuild. It is heartening to see the community gathering around members to support them now and into the future.  Reflecting on the past day or two brought two concepts to mind -- two that have major impact on overall health and well-being. Resilience refers to the ability to adapt after encountering adversity. Resolve relates to the determination and problem solving capacity that will keep people moving forward. We see these traits up close locally. At a distance, through television and social media, we see this in British Columbia as they deal with far worse flooding and road closures -- and further storms heading their way. 

The song chosen deals with the aftermath of the rain, water and tides albeit from an historical hurricane that occurred well over a century ago in a very different part of the world. The lines about high tide and water seemed to fit so well to the current local situation.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Wasn't that a Mighty Storm -- Nanci Griffith

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Day 8 - 326 -- Flood Waters

What fresh hell is this? 

Heavy rain and major wind filled the overnight. It is supper time now, and rain is still falling, just not as much of a deluge as most of the earlier part of the day. When I looked out my windows this morning, ponding was clearly evident in the small depressions of land in my yard and those surrounding me. The wind blew over my giant compost bin, which I righted late morning when rain was quieter but still pouring. Forecasts stated that 35-45 mm (1.5-2 inches) of rain was expected for the morning and again this amount for the afternoon. By late afternoon, a reported 74 mm (~3 inches) of rain had fallen. This is when reports began to enter the social media feeds. 

The usual places where we see water with heavy rains were affected .The sports field down by the river flooded with water flooding into the east end of  Main Street. This would mean the main road to the hospital was flooded. When this happens, fire and ambulance use a back road and river crossing to get to the hospital and homes that are uphill from downtown.The parking lot downtown again received the overflow from the brook. One place I've not seen flood to this degree is a mobile home park on a flood plain. The water quickly went from something one could wade through to about 2 metres (6ft, 6in). Neighbours with aluminum boats along side town and county fire department water rescue crews worked to transport people and pets across the water to safety. Our local transit bus took people to the evacuation centre where the Red Cross is finding places for people to shelter in the short term. Outside of town, several roads are closed due to washouts -- photos show major sections of road and land just gone. Repairs will take some time and detours may be a challenge as the obvious ones also have washed out areas. 

This is not over yet. Forecasts indicate we still expect another 25 mm (1 inch) overnight and into tomorrow, whit still more in a couple of days. Many town employees have been working to keep power up and running. I saw them out my back window this morning working on the lines to a power pole. I lost power for a short duration twice in the afternoon. I expect this was part of a brief shutoff in order to get a larger outage back online. It is quiet out right now. I plan to do my daily walk, but will avoid a couple of usual areas due to earlier flooding. As tide comes again tonight, the two rivers and the brook will be unable to flow well into the strait and bay areas. That may create another backup of water and move flooded areas back up again. I thank all of those who have been busy helping the community and  residents today. 

So many songs could have fit with the day.  I chose one that deals with the flooding events rather than only the storm. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

(opening quote is attributed to Dorothy Parker in the biography by Keats.)  

Muddy Waters -- Johnny Cash

Day 8 - 325 -- Where to Perch?

A while ago,  I asked someone where they wanted to live when they retired. tTey were connected to several cities and rural areas in two countries. Their response surprised me. They weren't sure where they wanted to be located. I asked the question as I thought they would be more definitive than me -- they generally are. <smile> It made me feel a bit better when I realized that it wasn't just indecisive little me who felt unsure about this decision. For some time early in my career, I was certain that I wanted to live in a city with an airport -- travel would be easier and I could find what I needed without having to drive to shop in a larger centre. As time wore on and I was living in a small town, I began to feel that I'd rather not live in a city at all -- too busy and crowded. Instead, I'd like to be somewhere small -- BUT -- closer than 2-3 hours from an airport or larger city. I recognize the need to have decent health care locally and to be somewhere that can get you quickly to a larger specialty unit in emergencies. Here, people are transferred to the trauma hospital down the road or a larger hospital complex in a city further away -- people can be transported by helicopter for emergent care. This is much better than using the winding road systems. 

I do want to live in a detached house, but not too close to neighbouring houses. I've done my stint in apartment buildings, four-plexes and duplexes. I enjoy not having people on the other side of my wall, ceiling or floor. It would be best to live somewhere close to friends or family so that I have some connections to the community. It takes about 6 years to begin to feel a bit settled and be able to recognize people in stores and restaurants. So -- I know the what, and that there needs to be a who. I just need to figure out the where. I've been told this will present itself when ready. I just need to be patient <ha ha> and not get too concerned about making a decision when I'm not ready. 

A song came to mind today while thinking about where to settle, though many people use the phrase 'end up' I'm not sure I like that one. <smile>. Making a home is the goal. That's when I chose this song. The lyrics speak to home while the word used is house. It emphasizes the small things that help to make that distinction.

Our House -- Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young

Sunday, 21 November 2021

Day 8 - 324 -- Planning and Waiting

This morning sunshine paid a visit. This is likely the last time we'll see sun for a week. The impending storm will bring what they are calling torrential rains and high winds. This storm will stall and thus stay with us for four days at least. At present forecasts note 75-100 mm (3-4 inches) of rain Monday through Tuesday. The next two days will bring smaller amounts of rain. Now, there is an outside chance that the total rainfall will be closer to 150 mm (6 inches) early into the storm. We will have to wait and see. Wind gusts will be strong and the weather and emergency measures folks say that we may be without power for some time. It will fall as rain so temperatures will be warmer than usual at this time of year. I'm grateful that it won't fall as snow which would bury the house. 

Storms can cause anxiety. Not having another human to speak with during the height of a storm only adds to the anxiety -- no one there to help talk me down <smile>. I will pack a go bag and have charged the electronic devices so I can listen to music, check in with the local news, and have a small bit of light. Foods that don't need heating are at the ready. I will use my trusty fondue pot to warm water so I can have a semi-hot cup of tea. I have a couple of books to read. The furry fellow has been calmer when I read out loud in past storms. So, that will be on the agenda. That's me -- the queen of planning. I was a Girl Guide and took that motto to heart -- Be Prepared. <grin> 

Waiting for a storm can be a challenge. The song shared tonight deals with a different kind of storm, but the feelings are similar for the current one headed this way. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Waiting for the Hurricane -- Chris de Burgh 

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Day 8 - 323 -- Shopping Excursion

Cooler weather arrived today but precipitation was minimal. I walked out to Main Street to get three items and found only one in store. When I walked through one store mid-week, I noticed some slippers that I'd like to get myself for Christmas. When I returned today, there were none to be found. They had been moved from the original display area, but no one seemed to know where they might have gone. A tour around the store showed no sign of these slippers. So, I headed to get some oat cakes, which were in stock at the second store. My third stop had holiday decor and merchandise in place of usual items. At least 75% of the store space focused on Christmas decor -- lovely but not what was on my list. So, 1 for 3 -- not really great stats <smile>. So, slippers are a no go and I will need to find a different gift -- guess that means I scour the interwebs. <smile> 

I like wandering stores when I'm in the right mood. I've often had difficulties when I'm shopping for something specific. Too many choices can create confusion. I get a picture in my head of what I'm looking for and no one has made such a version of the item in question. Living in a small town has limited shopping choices. There are some great local shops, though, that have specialty items from local artisans and vendors. I'd rather shop there than online, but some things can only be found online. All will work out -- it always does. Something will speak to me and tell me that it is the perfect item for a gift. 

The title of a song came to mind today. I often feel this way in larger stores and especially when in an online vendor site. It can be overwhelming. Narrowing search terms can help sometimes. <grin>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lost in the Supermarket -- The Clash


Friday, 19 November 2021

Day 8 - 322 -- Cloudy Day Biochemistry

It has been another day of rain without brighter light -- just the twilight level of an overcast day. The darkness of December comes soon enough so the heavily clouded days difficult to accept. On the up side, temperatures are warmer so it doesn't feel as damp and cold as it could feel. There are to be a couple of days with some sun soon followed by at least five days of cloud and rain -- again with warmer day time temperatures. 

I do like rain, but days on end can be challenging. Weather can affect moods. Smiles may come more readily on sunny days and digging out from under negative feelings can be harder on grey days. I've seen this in faces around town when clouds fill the skies for close to two weeks straight. People look like they are carrying the weight of the world. Then when the sun finally is visible people stand taller and greet each other on the street with smiles. In short, sunny days appear to increase social interactions -- a theory based on lowered serotonin levels when there is less light on cloudy days. Researchers note that lower levels of this neurotransmitter trigger cravings for carbohydrates. Larger intakes of carbohydrates promote greater production of tryptophan, which makes us feel fatigued. So, if we feel tired and less 'up' perhaps we are less likely to seek out interactions with others. Yet, that very thing may be what we all need to feel better on grey days. Hmmm

A song title and chorus line kept running through my head today. I'd like to go for a walk. That often perks me up a bit, but I will wait to see if the rain lets up a bit later in the afternoon. In the meantime, the impetus to do something seems non-existent, yet the urge to nap is overwhelming. I'll blame it on the rain, I guess.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Who'll Stop the Rain -- Creedence Clearwater Revival 


Day 8 - 321 -- Commercial Holiday Prep

When I looked out the window while making breakfast, I was greeted with bits of snow on the roof and grass. Happily, it left quickly and was followed by rain. We expect heavy rain and warmer temperatures tomorrow. Today, the rain stopped by late afternoon, so my walk was pleasant instead of wet. <smile> 

I've noticed store shelves and shop windows are being prepared for the holiday sales season. Special foods and food baskets need to find room amongst the usual food items. Some areas of stores look over-full while others are a bit meager due to supply chain shortages. Gift shops and department stores have huge displays of holiday themed items throughout the stores. Christmas music plays over speakers in all places I've visited this week. Now, I know that anything that needs to be sent away for someone's holiday elsewhere needs to be attended to quickly. The shipping times will be disrupted again this year. Ordering online for delivery to one's home also will take extra time. So, while I'm glad things waited until after Remembrance Day to go full tilt holiday on  us all, I can't get my head into the game just yet. I may not have a choice, so need to get a list made and head out to get what I can locally or rely on the online vendors for what isn't available in my small town. I have looked online for a couple of items to no avail and I have purchased a couple of things when I saw them earlier in the year, so not totally unprepared, but I may need to make some changes to planned purchases. We'll see. 

The song chosen for tonight is an instrumental that sounds a bit manic or even confused in places. That seemed to fit the way I feel right now about impending shopping. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Everyone's in a Hurry but Me -- Ringo Starr 

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Day 8 - 320 -- One Exquisite Moment

There was some sun early in the day, but cloud and rain replaced that quickly. A friend said she had snow on the deck when she woke today. I didn't see that, but hadn't looked outside until later in the morning. It felt cold when I was out walking around noon. The wind added to the cold feeling, but my hands didn't freeze, so all was well. My early meeting was postponed for two weeks due to a change in work plans of the other party. So, some documents and discussions will take longer to finalize. A weekly phone chat with a colleague and a virtual chat with a friend helped me to find my smile. In the evening I watched a television program that I enjoy. Not a super productive day based on the 'to do' list, but a good day nonetheless. 

Some days bring moments of pleasure and smiles without being over the top productive or life changing. In some ways this may be mundane, but it can also be due to navigating the strangeness of the world. Wanting things to change leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction with the day we are living. That doesn't mean that we should hide those negative feelings, but we should look for the positives around us. Today, I was greeted excitedly by a big dog down the street. I hadn't seen him for almost three weeks. I was as excited as he was to greet each other. That was such a perfect moment today. The cat from that house mewed a greeting -- the first from him in a very long time. In the background the wind chimes were softly ringing. Exquisite. And it would have been so easy to miss all the great parts of that moment. 

I guess my pondering means I need to get outside of my head and pay attention to the world around me and participate when I can. It also shows the greatness of the small things. How cool to be reminded of that today. I needed that. It has been a Beatles kind of day, so I share one of their songs that feels peaceful to me. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Across the Universe -- The Beatles

Day 8 - 319 -- Nightly Gatherings

It felt colder today than yesterday, but mixed sunshine and clouds predominated. The high today was the same as the low yesterday. It was pleasant as I ran around town doing numerous errands. I was hunting for one thing that the three stores that carry this item did not have the variety I dearly wanted. I guess I'll head off to the online shopping experience <sigh>. I did find two different cheese advent calendars -- the 'it' gift for adults this year, it seems <grin>. I chose the one with UK cheeses over the one from Quebec, mainly due to cost issues. Several friends have gotten these in the US and western Canada. I wanted something fun to do in the run up to holidays this year. It is difficult being alone at this time of year, though not fully alone with the furry one <smile>. 

When I've been out walking around sunset over the past several days, I've noticed the crows beginning their annual gatherings down by the brook at this time of day. They do move out from the brook banks to my neighbourhood and onto campus some days over the winter. This always makes me smile. I watch the groups flying in from all directions at the end of the day. Once perched in the trees, the conversations begin. From a distance, it sounds for all the world like a large crowd of people having a fun time. I like to think they are debriefing from their days -- telling tall tales, comparing experiences and laughing raucously at the situations of themselves and others. It feels so communal. I've walked with a friend crossing the bridge where they were perched in the surrounding trees. My friend asked where they were and I pointed to the trees and noted those weren't leaves. <smile> Another day I had an amazing experience walking down the street with a subgroup of the crew in the trees to one side. As I walked by, as one they flew off. The air was filled with the sound of wings -- a truly spiritual feeling that night. So, while this time of year becomes cold, dark and uncomfortable, the crows bring a good feeling and smiles each night. Perhaps that is when I should do my daily walks now instead of earlier in the day. 

The song for today has an upbeat tempo and mood unlike many songs about this bird. The odd tempos and melodic changes are unmistakable for this singer-songwriter. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Black Crow -- Joni Mitchell

Monday, 15 November 2021

Day 8 - 318 -- Sharing Hope

The day looked more like twilight than daylight with the heavy clouds and rain. While rain was heavy at times, it is nothing like the enormous rainfall in southern BC that has triggered floods, mudslides and major evacuations. May people are trapped on roads between two slide events with others unable to leave towns or homes. Rescue teams have been working through the night and day. My heart goes out to those in the midst of all this mess. 

Hope can be a bit slippery -- difficult to hold onto. This can be the case in literal and metaphorical darkness -- times when hope is needed most. In the situation in BC, there will be much fear, anxiety, and despair. People are using their phones to send messages in the long line of cars and in towns. This lets others know they aren't alone and that help is working to get to them. The messages help just as the sharing of water and food or the arrival of rescue teams help. It is all about connection -- an important component of hope. 

I share a song about hope today. If we have it we should share it and when we don't we should be open to those willing to share their hope with us. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hope -- Natasha Bedingfield

Day 8 - 317 -- Social Support

The day was windy with grey skies until late afternoon. When out for a walk after sunset, I saw the moon and a planet for the first time in quite a while. That made me smile today. More work in the cemetery behind the house as they left the fence posts and brought in a tractor with a post hole auger attached. So, it looks like the fence construction will begin soon. It will be weather dependent, though, as we have more rain expected than clear days for the next week or more. 

I found myself pondering the kindness of others as I was out doing a couple of errands today. Service staff were very helpful and shared smiles and light banter -- something else that helped me smile today. Even small things such as these can help people to feel good for a few moments. Caring people who check in with others can provide a spark of hope. Just knowing someone else is willing to share a smile or listen to the concerns of others can lift someone's day.  We really are social animals. <smile> Nod or smile to people you pass on the street. Wish someone a good day after a brief encounter. Call someone just to check on how they are doing today. These actions may assist the recipients, but they also can have a positive effect on the sender. It's a social support things -- mutual support. 

Lyrics from several songs came to mind today, but I finally settled on one to share. <smile> It has an upbeat sound to go along with the positive lyrics. I enjoyed the happy sound of this one. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Count on Me -- Burno Mars

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Day 8 - 316 -- Where to Hide?

More grey and rainy weather made its way through the day. Each time I looked out hoping to run out for an errand, it was raining. When I was in the midst of something indoors, it wasn't raining. It feels like some kind of conspiracy.  Inside I was doing the weekly laundry and some paperwork needed for next week. Mundane stuff. <smile> 

Pondering while I walked tonight, I just wanted to hide away from the world for a little bit. <smile> Change is happening all around me. The view out the front window changed when the baby barn next door was hauled away earlier this week. The back yard view has changed a lot with further loss of maple trees and the ropes noting where the fence will go up soon. Other changes arrive daily. Dealing both good changes and those we don't want to see happen creates stress. One at a time, they can be dealt with best, but life often throws us several at once. Re-learning how to work out in the world again after so much isolation takes a lot of energy. Dealing with multiple stressors on top of this one big focus can be difficult. Not impossible, but rather tricky. 

While walking I heard a line of lyric in my head with an altered word. I heard 'yourself' instead of 'your love'. It was just that one line running through my brain a few times. I'll share the song here, so please hear the title line with 'self' instead of 'love'. <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

You've Got to Hide Your Love Away -- The Beatles

Friday, 12 November 2021

Day 8 - 315 -- Yet Another Challenge

The day began sunny but turned to cloud around mid-day. Some rain is expected, but things had already hit me today that turned my mood to cloudy and rainy. I feel frustrated that when I wake feeling positive that the universe conspires to change that in an instant. After some wailing and gnashing of teeth, I moved into my problem solving place and will move forward with that next week. In the meantime I will need to work at finding moments of calm. 

Actions of people can create major impacts on moods and even lives of others. These can be positive as well as negative. Today was much of the latter. Identifying the myriad emotions experienced adds to the confusion of the moment. Sadness, betrayal, irritation, and trepidation pile on all at once along with several unrecognized feelings. No wonder one feels overwhelmed. Sorting through the mess is difficult given the need for rational thought, which is at a premium when the limbic system reigns. I plan for another walk this evening, since these can help me breath better and move myself back towards a place of reason. The goal -- and fervent hope -- is for a good sleep to prepare myself better to tackle the situation tomorrow. The situation is solvable, though I would have liked it all to unfold differently. 

A song came to mind that dealt both with how I feel and the hope that things will improve as we work through the process. It has a relaxing sound to it, too. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Every Storm (runs out of rain) -- Gary Allan

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Day 8 - 314 -- Remembrance -- a new view

 Remembrance Day --  always a somber day of remembrance for those who died and those who returned home with physical and psychological scars -- carried for the rest of their lives. Cooler temperatures with major winds prevailed today. Looking out the front window showed blue skies with white puffy clouds while out the back revealed dark grey sky. Each view alone told a very different story. This made me think of the many personal stories of those who served and currently serve. Family members from three generations have served in the CF. They have been part of both world wars, the Korean war and the second Gulf War. 

At ceremonies at the National War Memorial today, navy Captain Bonita Mason, Deputy Chaplain General, Canadian Armed Forces made a statement that made me think. She noted that when we remember we bring together what was once torn apart (or dismembered). It provided a different way to think of remembrance. 

In a cemetary outside Cambrai, France, lies the cousin of my paternal grandfather. He was killed in the final push in 1918 just a month before the armistice. A photo of his gravestone shows a lovely red rose growing on his grave. The province of France had been Picardy, before the names changed later in the 20th century. The song I share today is from the first world war. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Roses of Picardy -- Mario Lanza

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Day 8 - 313 -- Abysmal Explanations

It felt cooler and was much greyer than the past few days. Rain didn't start in earnest until mid-afternoon as I headed out to an appointment to install winter tires on the vehicle.  When I was about to head home, the car dash message centre told me the two front tires were below ideal pressure. I headed inside again and got some story about the rotation of the tires confusing the computer since it needed time to figure out that the back tires are now on the front. I so wish this person would tell me exactly what is happening instead of trying to dumb it down for this feeble female <grump>. I tried to ask about where the sensors were and why they wouldn't pick this up. All that came back was that it took time for the computer to clear its memory for the tires that had been there before. It did clear after a short drive home. I just wanted to be treated like an intelligent human. Others at the service centre do not do this, but the head person seems bent on explaining to a three year old. <sigh> Not sure who to lodge the complaint with. I may have to speak to the female who had been in charge before the pandemic and is now the assistant. 

I've had difficulties since forever when taking cars for servicing. I come from a family of mechanics. My grandfather worked his whole adult life repairing cars. My father and brother did all their own basic car care. My brother even replaced the engine in an antique truck which required making a lot of parts that simply were no longer available, including engine mounts. I spent a lot of time with these men from childhood into adulthood, so know a bit more than basics. As vehicles have become more computerized, it has been challenging to understand how things operate now. Someone who will take a moment to explain clearly is much appreciated. This is another thing for me to work on -- how can I ask for an explanation while noting that they can explain in adult terms? <smile> 

The song for today comes from an historic event that occurred on this day 46 years ago -- the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald in Lake Superior. The ballad shared here was written by a Canadian troubadour. Keep safe. Enjoy!

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald -- Gordon Lightfoot


Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Day 8 - 312 -- Moments of Calm

Today dawned bright and sunny with not a cloud in the sky. Temperature rose close to 15C/60F. I had a great walk out to do errands in mid-afternoon. I can't believe it is November. We must enjoy the warmer sunny days as we get them. Things will change too soon. 

The weather had me thinking of living in the moment -- enjoying what is given to us daily. Today it was the amazing natural world that helped me find some moments of calm. Some of the heartier flowering plants still show the great colours. I love the asters -- from the tiny ones about 1/4 inch in diameter to those an inch across. The purple colours range from a pale lilac to a gorgeous deeper tone. Clover was in bloom, also, with even more purple shades. Some of these required attention to detail as they were hidden in plain sight <smile> -- nestled amongst the grass or behind shrubs and tree trunks. Fun little treasures to discover while walking. 

Lyrics that provide a goal for living a more peaceful existence are shared tonight. Something to ponder and work towards perhaps. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Living in the Moment -- Jason Mraz


Monday, 8 November 2021

Day 8 - 311 -- Making Plans

Sunshine today was not as strong as past days. Cloud cover was present early in the day, but left for the most part by afternoon. Sunset began around 3:30 PM with the first streaks of orange. By 5:00 PM this had become a huge display of orange and gold. So, while it did get dark earlier, the show was spectacular.

Today I pondered the changes made to my retirement research plans by the pandemic. Several trips to gather data had to be postponed again and again. I've reached the point where I'm not sure whether re-making these plans will actually see trips occur. Will I get all excited again only to have the plans stomped on by some microscopic demon? Inherent in the process of planning lies the future. Rebuilding the relationship with the future will take some work. 

Much of the archival materials I need to search through have not been digitized, so travel is necessary. It might be useful to check the many libraries to see if anything new has been scanned over the past year. Communicating with librarians and archivists could help me determine where specific files are located, so I could begin to plan regional tours to gather information that will answer more recent questions. Now,  I just need to begin. <smile> 

A song line ran through my mind while pondering --  "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." <smile> Other lyrics offer some calming positive sentiments. Both held a lot to unpack today. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) -- John Lennon

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Day 8 - 310 -- Time Myths

It has been a sunny Sunday, but when I did early supper preparation, there was only blackness outside the window <sigh>. I will adapt. Just give me some time. 

Last night was the first time that I saw any clock move from 1:59 to 1:00. That was cool. Technically, today had 25 hours. I managed to finish the laundry and update some documents needed for a meeting later in the week. Given the 'extra' hour, I really didn't accomplish anything other than what would happen on a regular Sunday. It is a myth that we have an extra hour to sleep or do whatever is on the 'to do' list. Reading and hearing this myth repeatedly may lead people to feel they should have done more today. Do we really need something else to make us feel inadequate? This purported gain in time is not unlike that developed early in the 19th century and throughout the 20th century when the industrial revolution resulted in factory and farming mechanization that reduced the need for humans to produce goods. In the next century, household appliances began to appear that were marketed as methods to reduce time spent in the drudgery of household chores. Researchers have shown that having all the machines installed in a home actually saves only a few minutes daily. Leisure time hasn't increased dramatically. The leisure industry spreads a myth that we deserve whatever they are selling since we work so hard. The technology revolution has made some things easier to do, but still takes an inordinate amount of time. Think of how much time we spend glued to our phones now. These devices have increased time spent with them instead of in other leisure or work expectations. LSS -- multiple marketing myths (love alliteration <grin>) exist that make us feel like failures for not doing more. 

A song came to mind that deals with time and even mentions a mythological figure. Keep safe. Enjoy!

All the Time in the World -- Deep Purple


Saturday, 6 November 2021

Day 8 - 309 -- Changing Time -- Again

This afternoon, I went for a walk to enjoy the sun and pick up some milk. While at the store, I found other things on sale that would be too bulky to carry with the milk and tissues. This meant a second trip back to get the other items. The walks were wonderful. 

Tonight a time change will sneak up on us while we sleep. It will make tomorrow a 25 hour day. Media talking heads keep telling us we'll gain an extra hour of sleep. Unlikely, in my experience as people will wake when the clock indicates an hour earlier than usual. I posit that we lose rest with both time changes. Physiological changes in adjusting to that single hour change are similar to jet lag -- like flying west a time zone in the fall. Overcoming a single hour is easier than 7 or 8, but it still takes time and causes stress until adjusted. 

At the two times yearly that we change time, I really miss my home province where no time change occurs. Regulators in several provinces and territories have been discussing the concept of no longer participating in this arcane practice. It helped 100 years ago when farming was done by manual labour and sunlight was needed to complete work during the growing months. For a brief moment, there will be more light earlier in the day, but we can't escape the fact that there will be fewer daylight hours in each day regardless of how clocks are set. Being at work in mid-afternoon and seeing full dark out the window can be disconcerting and mentally disturbing. It can be disorienting until people acclimate. Family members lived in the far north for a while where the sun sets for 20-30 minutes very late in the evening and rises for a similarly short time in the morning. The lack of light-dark rhythms would make me weirder than usual. I'd need the light therapy used for SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Even further south, many people benefit from this during the darker winter months. 

Several songs came to mind for the blog today. I decided on one to share -- unmistakable opening guitar riff. I hope it works for you. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

25 or 6 to 4 -- Chicago

Day 8 - 308 -- Obscure Vagaries

COLD. Today was brought to us by this word. Wow. It was a hard freeze overnight with temperatures in the area falling to a few degrees below freezing. The highlight of the day was getting my car back from the repair shop. It looks great with the scratches fixed. We were to have sunshine today. Instead. major cloud settled in. I did wear double gloves while outside for a walk and it made a huge difference in keeping fingers warm. We seem to be 'there' for now. There will be a few double digit highs in the next week, but overnight will be cool. 

Interesting that I use the word 'cool' rather than saying what it really is -- cold. Crisp and frosty feel filled the air this morning, so 'cool' is an understatement. Wind and dampness can affect the feel like temperature so that the word 'cool' just doesn't work at all. So, why do I try to soften the cold, hard truth <smile>? I dislike colder weather -- that is no secret. So, when I use a different word, am I trying to fool myself or soothe my frustration? I'm not convinced that avoiding the truth will help one cope with reality. Perhaps I should examine other irritating things to see if I try to understate them, too. It may be a way of hiding from unpleasantness that could permeate more than I recognize. Hmmm  Lots to think about there. 

Chorus lyrics from a song fit well with the theme of a quirk of obscuring things. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

In Hiding -- Pearl Jam

Friday, 5 November 2021

Day 8 - 307 -- Descent into Cool

Today was a day of meetings -- two online, one in person. When I was outside walking to the meeting this afternoon,  the air felt very chilly.  We are in for a couple more days of these cold single digit temps and frost advisories over night. My first clue that outside was cold was when the baseboard heater in the bathroom was on when I got up today. So, heating has begun. Now it is November, so perhaps I shouldn't be as disappointed. My thin gloves will need to be doubled up or I move onto medium weight gloves. 

Preparing for colder weather is not high on my 'like' list. Cooler temperatures of fall and spring can be managed, but as things get far cooler, I begin to feel off. Winter impedes ability to get around. Icy walk ways and roads make travel difficult -- even in town. The next 6 weeks will bring earlier sunsets and later sunrises. The darkness can feel oppressive. Sunny days will bring moments of sparkling snow, when it appears that we are walking on diamond dust. That is cool. This time of year also brings congregating crows at the end of the day. Listening to them will sound like friends gathered to laugh and commiserate over the events of the day. I enjoy these parts of winter. Also, in this part of the country we have a good three months of wintry weather, whereas on the prairies where I lived most of my life, there is closer to six months. So, it isn't all bad. <smile> 

A few lines of lyric from an older song came to mind today. especially when I added another blanket at bedtime <smile>. Leaves were gathered and removed from the front yard, so this seemed to fit so well. Love the amazing harmonies. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

California Dreamin' -- The Mamas and the Papas

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Day 8 - 306 -- Journey of Relearning

Today had some sun, some cloud and some rain -- sort of a mixed bag. That theme spread into my activities. Technology didn't work a it should have during a virtual guest lecture where the slides did not advance as they should have. Everything went well, though. The information was delivered, though without the planned interactions between the virtual speaker and students attending virtually and in a classroom on campus. The topic dealt with understanding the negative societal attitude towards older adults -- ageism -- something we can all advocate to change. 

The experience today had me thinking of the thinking patterns that have settled in during the pandemic. Hope has been hiding as the short term turned into a long term shut down, which had us separated from people. As social beings this has been very challenging. We have felt alone due to isolation of lock downs. The way the world was before the pandemic is behind us. We will do some things again, such as traveling and gathering in groups, but it will be done differently -- proof of vaccine, masking, distancing, booster vaccines, greater expense. It will work, but it will be different. Flexibility will need to be a major part of our approaches to each day. We have been less with less ability to deal with small stresses. Often these become mountains to scale rather than something simple to walk around. Problem solving skills have been parked away in long-term memory. These and other skills that had been used daily now must be dug up, dusted off and relearned. Learning to live again in a new daily reality will take work and energy to master, but it should not be impossible. Finding a way to move forward and to leave behind some of the negative bits of the past many months can be done. We must be kind to ourselves and to others on this journey of relearning. I'll keep you posted as I head forward. <smile>

A song lyric that came to mind today emphasizes the need to move forward, to look ahead and not behind. We can do this, even though some days or parts of days make it feel beyond our reach. Hang in there. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Let It Go -- Tim McGraw 

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Day 8 - 305 -- How much?

There was a cloudy start and end to day, but several wonderful hours of sunshine in the middle. Temperatures were warm with hardly any breeze. I chatted with a friend which brought some good laughs. the, I headed to the grocery store for a large stock up trip. I didn't even look at the total, just tapped my card and moved on. <sigh> There was a new cashier so she didn't state the total amount, either. I  looked when I got home and it was less than expected -- only $85 <sigh>. I looked for less expensive options where multiple varieties were available. I took advantage of sale prices as much as possible. I bought items where loyalty points were available, thus reducing the cost indirectly since points can be redeemed as cash for future purchases.  

In the earlier phone visit with a friend, we discussed the impact of supply chain issues, fuel costs and inflation on food prices. Lower income families had been struggling before the pandemic. The cost increases at the grocery store will now affect middle income households. This will be a long difficult winter for many people not only due to the rising cost of food, but also increases to fuel and heating costs. Recent data revealed that food bank usage had increased by 20% during the pandemic. That is a startling statistic. We also have far more kids under-18 years old living in poverty than we had a few years back. 

The song shared today really fits the broader conversation. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Inflation Blues -- B. B. King

Monday, 1 November 2021

Day 9 - 304 -- Full Fabulous Day

What a great beginning of a new week and a new month -- sunny, warm, and blue sky. It was a great gift for the first of November. I spent a lot of time out in the warmer air as I juggled a number of meetings today. When I started the car, though, I got a message noting the battery in the key fob was weak. <sigh> I called my dealership and they said it was a quick change out at their end, so after my first appointment, I headed there. Luckily, the cost was covered by the warranty, so the day got even better <grin>. My third stop can be longer than expected, but today I was in and out in just over 15 minutes. That gave me some extra time before the deadline for dropping the car at the body shop. They dropped me back at the rental office and I headed beck home in newer rental vehicle. Things should be done by Friday or maybe Saturday. I'm hoping for Friday, but we'll see. The guy has a very full schedule and has been turning folks away this week. I waited for just under two months to get this smaller job done since it did not affect driveability. 

I found myself thinking early in the day that this was going to be a busy day. Then I laughed. I was reminded of a former workplace where the word 'busy' was banned. At the time, we had no regional manager so five program managers took on that role for several months. When we'd meet regularly, there would be push back from people who would say that 'hey were so busy with the program management they couldn't possibly be at so many meetings. We all agreed that such phrasing was rather triggering to the rest of the team who also had very full schedules. Omitting that one word from our office vocabulary challenged each of us use more careful phrasing to more clearly explain what was currently front and centre in our programs. That helped so much. We moved into a problem solving space rather than feeling overwhelmed by the difficulties. Life became much more positive once we made this change. Oh, and we also learned how to gently call each other on the word usage for the moments when one of us would use the offending word during a stressful moment. In the long run, this experience assisted me with carefully explaining why I was saying 'no' and to realize that in most cases it was really 'no, not at this moment. Give me X amount of time and then I'll be ready.' 

Taking moments throughout the day helped me to appreciate the fantastic weather as well as move from one meeting to the next. I was reminded of a song that has been recorded by many artists over the decades since it was written. I finally landed on one version by a Canadian jazz singer and pianist. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Blue Skies -- Diana Krall