Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Day 8 - 333 -- Cost Conundrum

As I made breakfast today, I saw bits of snow in the air that melted as they landed on the warmer ground or porches. This evening there were the beginnings of a thin layer of ice on the porch, so I  added some grit so that no one slips or falls. When there is no snow accumulation, one might not be expecting ice on the porch, which, like a bridge, ices over before the sidewalk or road. Isn't physics cool? <grin> 

It was cold out so I put on an extra layer when I headed out for a walk and and errand. I picked up the new med. This one cost me 4% of the cost of the one not covered by the plan. Both are generic drugs. The cost difference seems odd. It made me wonder if it is like a conversation is "Sleepless in Seattle" where the daughter of a travel agent notes that no one really knows how much it costs to fly from point A to point B. Are drug costs just as shrouded in mystery? In the past with a different drug insurance I paid a flat rate for every prescription filled. This new plan is a proportion of the full drug cost but only for the drugs that are covered by the plan. I will get used to it. I'm just hoping that this med, which belongs to the same drug class and family, works as well as the one I had been taking. We'll see. I start it tonight. 

I'll admit this experience has had me scratching my head and wondering what this is all about. How can there be such a huge difference in cost between similar drugs? Why are common meds not included in the provincial plan? It is all a bit confusing, while also being interesting. I thought of several songs and settled on one of them that fits my focus on large corporate entities. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Big Money -- Rush

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