A while ago, I asked someone where they wanted to live when they retired. tTey were connected to several cities and rural areas in two countries. Their response surprised me. They weren't sure where they wanted to be located. I asked the question as I thought they would be more definitive than me -- they generally are. <smile> It made me feel a bit better when I realized that it wasn't just indecisive little me who felt unsure about this decision. For some time early in my career, I was certain that I wanted to live in a city with an airport -- travel would be easier and I could find what I needed without having to drive to shop in a larger centre. As time wore on and I was living in a small town, I began to feel that I'd rather not live in a city at all -- too busy and crowded. Instead, I'd like to be somewhere small -- BUT -- closer than 2-3 hours from an airport or larger city. I recognize the need to have decent health care locally and to be somewhere that can get you quickly to a larger specialty unit in emergencies. Here, people are transferred to the trauma hospital down the road or a larger hospital complex in a city further away -- people can be transported by helicopter for emergent care. This is much better than using the winding road systems.
I do want to live in a detached house, but not too close to neighbouring houses. I've done my stint in apartment buildings, four-plexes and duplexes. I enjoy not having people on the other side of my wall, ceiling or floor. It would be best to live somewhere close to friends or family so that I have some connections to the community. It takes about 6 years to begin to feel a bit settled and be able to recognize people in stores and restaurants. So -- I know the what, and that there needs to be a who. I just need to figure out the where. I've been told this will present itself when ready. I just need to be patient <ha ha> and not get too concerned about making a decision when I'm not ready.
A song came to mind today while thinking about where to settle, though many people use the phrase 'end up' I'm not sure I like that one. <smile>. Making a home is the goal. That's when I chose this song. The lyrics speak to home while the word used is house. It emphasizes the small things that help to make that distinction.
Our House -- Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young
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