It felt colder today than yesterday, but mixed sunshine and clouds predominated. The high today was the same as the low yesterday. It was pleasant as I ran around town doing numerous errands. I was hunting for one thing that the three stores that carry this item did not have the variety I dearly wanted. I guess I'll head off to the online shopping experience <sigh>. I did find two different cheese advent calendars -- the 'it' gift for adults this year, it seems <grin>. I chose the one with UK cheeses over the one from Quebec, mainly due to cost issues. Several friends have gotten these in the US and western Canada. I wanted something fun to do in the run up to holidays this year. It is difficult being alone at this time of year, though not fully alone with the furry one <smile>.
When I've been out walking around sunset over the past several days, I've noticed the crows beginning their annual gatherings down by the brook at this time of day. They do move out from the brook banks to my neighbourhood and onto campus some days over the winter. This always makes me smile. I watch the groups flying in from all directions at the end of the day. Once perched in the trees, the conversations begin. From a distance, it sounds for all the world like a large crowd of people having a fun time. I like to think they are debriefing from their days -- telling tall tales, comparing experiences and laughing raucously at the situations of themselves and others. It feels so communal. I've walked with a friend crossing the bridge where they were perched in the surrounding trees. My friend asked where they were and I pointed to the trees and noted those weren't leaves. <smile> Another day I had an amazing experience walking down the street with a subgroup of the crew in the trees to one side. As I walked by, as one they flew off. The air was filled with the sound of wings -- a truly spiritual feeling that night. So, while this time of year becomes cold, dark and uncomfortable, the crows bring a good feeling and smiles each night. Perhaps that is when I should do my daily walks now instead of earlier in the day.
The song for today has an upbeat tempo and mood unlike many songs about this bird. The odd tempos and melodic changes are unmistakable for this singer-songwriter. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Black Crow -- Joni Mitchell
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