Monday, 15 November 2021

Day 8 - 317 -- Social Support

The day was windy with grey skies until late afternoon. When out for a walk after sunset, I saw the moon and a planet for the first time in quite a while. That made me smile today. More work in the cemetery behind the house as they left the fence posts and brought in a tractor with a post hole auger attached. So, it looks like the fence construction will begin soon. It will be weather dependent, though, as we have more rain expected than clear days for the next week or more. 

I found myself pondering the kindness of others as I was out doing a couple of errands today. Service staff were very helpful and shared smiles and light banter -- something else that helped me smile today. Even small things such as these can help people to feel good for a few moments. Caring people who check in with others can provide a spark of hope. Just knowing someone else is willing to share a smile or listen to the concerns of others can lift someone's day.  We really are social animals. <smile> Nod or smile to people you pass on the street. Wish someone a good day after a brief encounter. Call someone just to check on how they are doing today. These actions may assist the recipients, but they also can have a positive effect on the sender. It's a social support things -- mutual support. 

Lyrics from several songs came to mind today, but I finally settled on one to share. <smile> It has an upbeat sound to go along with the positive lyrics. I enjoyed the happy sound of this one. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Count on Me -- Burno Mars

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