COLD. Today was brought to us by this word. Wow. It was a hard freeze overnight with temperatures in the area falling to a few degrees below freezing. The highlight of the day was getting my car back from the repair shop. It looks great with the scratches fixed. We were to have sunshine today. Instead. major cloud settled in. I did wear double gloves while outside for a walk and it made a huge difference in keeping fingers warm. We seem to be 'there' for now. There will be a few double digit highs in the next week, but overnight will be cool.
Interesting that I use the word 'cool' rather than saying what it really is -- cold. Crisp and frosty feel filled the air this morning, so 'cool' is an understatement. Wind and dampness can affect the feel like temperature so that the word 'cool' just doesn't work at all. So, why do I try to soften the cold, hard truth <smile>? I dislike colder weather -- that is no secret. So, when I use a different word, am I trying to fool myself or soothe my frustration? I'm not convinced that avoiding the truth will help one cope with reality. Perhaps I should examine other irritating things to see if I try to understate them, too. It may be a way of hiding from unpleasantness that could permeate more than I recognize. Hmmm Lots to think about there.
Chorus lyrics from a song fit well with the theme of a quirk of obscuring things. Keep safe. Enjoy!
In Hiding -- Pearl Jam
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