Sunday, 12 October 2014

Day 285 -- fighting a virus

It was a lovely sunny Sunday here today. Not very warm, but pleasant enough with just a fleece jacket. My only outing was to the drug store for milk and cold stuff.  Every 12 hours this virus has changed -- I'm never sure if that is good or not.  Time will tell. The latest iteration is the development of fever -- not common with a cold, unless it turns into something nasty. I'm hoping this is a passing phase and that things morph into something that is more like the sinus congestion I've also developed today.

A sad aspect today was that I had to call my friends to tell them I couldn't come to Thanksgiving dinner -- I love getting together with folks for the annual celebrations. However, while I'm eating and doing usual things (albeit a bit slower) I couldn't justify going somewhere when communicable. Just because someone did this for me to get this nasty bug, doesn't mean that I should pay it forward <smile>. The fever occurred after that call, so all the more reason not to have carried something to share with everyone.

I'm glad that I have one more day at home, so that maybe I'll be ready to do the lectures necessary and some fun things besides, in the coming week.  The song for tonight was a difficult choice. I waffled between several and will admit to coming down to two -- I couldn't choose just one. Both spoke to the events of my day, though in a somewhat different vein. Enjoy!

Fever -- Peggy Lee

Hot Blooded -- Foreigner

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