Sunday, 26 October 2014

Day 299 -- A sleepless night

Sunday is a day that I like to take some time to do 'me' things. This hasn't happened since early September, as the academic term and teaching new-to-me courses fill my days. I have fallen behind these past two weeks with this wretched virus, which has made any potential for 'me' or 'free' time very unlikely. I did take an hour or two today to cook another big batch meal to freeze for the coming crazier days. It was relaxing to work in the kitchen -- made a turkey a la king with biscuits and a baked cauliflower head. I love this vegetable dish as I cook it whole and cut it into wedges to eat. I did smile as this meal disregarded a main menu planning principle -- avoid monochromatic meals <grin>. It was all whitish -- but it was all so good.  A great menu for another wet and rainy Sunday.

Last night I experienced what I often refer to as Sunday anxieties. Sunday often seems to signal the end of the  weekend and the need to ready oneself for the work week as it encroaches on the last few precious hours. This weekend that happened in the early morning hours of Sunday. I was awake from 2 to 6 AM and chose to get up to prepare course materials for the coming week. I don't recall the last time such a major bout of insomnia struck. Generally, if it happens it is for a couple of hours in the middle of the night. This time it was the entire night. Very odd. It is one of those things about how life events may affect our thoughts and how these may interfere with sleep -- something that becomes more important as we age.

Today I thought of a song filled with metaphorical visions and our attempts at understanding of life events. The music is calming and the singer's voice beautiful. Enjoy!

Both Sides Now -- Joni Mitchell

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