Thursday, 30 October 2014

Day 303 -- A day of happy surprises

A crazy day with not enough time to do the items that are due tomorrow -- everyone around me today seems to be in the same place. It must be the last half of the term (last 1/3 actually) coupled with some major admin deadlines -- everyone seems to be dragging along -- tired and scattered.  I brought writing and grading home tonight, neither of which will be finished, so that leaves more fun things for tomorrow, it seems <smile>.

There were bright spots in the day -- great chats with students about course assignments, glimpses of blue sky between the clouds and a student who brought some materials from a provincial conference she'd been at a week ago -- they will fit well into the end of the course she is in, too. <smile> After all that, it was a major delight to find a surprise awaiting me when I got home.  An unexpected gift arrived in the mail -- one of those 'thanks' and 'just because' sort of gifts. A delightful item that will bring great memories whenever I use it <smile>.  I expect this is the universe telling me that all is not lost.  It may just work <grin>. 

The selection for today came to mind when I found the  parcel in my mail box. I'd like to have thanked the letter carrier for bringing something unexpected and happy. There are several covers of this song. The one I heard in my head is the one I share here today. Enjoy! 

Please Mr. Postman -- The Marvelettes

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