Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Day 301 -- Sustaining laughter

Laughter -- it can make so much feel better and give that pause and release so we can move forward. Sometimes a laugh comes unexpectedly as what we see or hear strikes us as humorous. It may be that we go somewhere with a phrase that was unintended by the speaker -- depending on the situation, others may laugh with you or just stare at you like you've lost your marbles. The latter occurred to me today -- it didn't make it easier to regain control, but I managed <smile>.

Going through a day without laughing sounds unbearable. It happens when life events take over our thought processes. Most days have something that can make us smile or laugh. It may a little giggle or one of those unstoppable, beverage-through-the-nose type of events. It is amazing we survive that. A laugh shared with others can be sustaining. These can happen almost daily with friends, family and even strangers. Some people can be depended upon to make us smile or laugh out loud. These are gems and we must protect them as they play an important role in this world.

Many songs deal with smiling and laughing -- so many choices <smile>. I chose one with lyrics that note many different things that can elicit a laugh -- all types of laughs. Enjoy!

Laughter -- Bruce Cockburn

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