Friday, 24 October 2014

Day 297 -- Rainy end to the week

Friday has arrived <smile>. There is a long list of things to deal with over the weekend, but no lectures until Monday.  The day was grey. It poured rain overnight and was light rain this morning as I went to the office. It seemed to change over to mist in the afternoon and then by mid-evening it began to pour again. That is what I'm listening to now -- the sound of rain on the roof and in the trees on the other side of the wall. It is soothing.

I have enjoyed rain -- to watch it fall out a window -- much of my life. I can't say I enjoyed being out in pouring rain and certainly not driving in it. I have learned to enjoy walking in the rain since moving to the Maritimes, though. I have experienced driving in heavy rain for a full 3 hour trip which becomes a 4 hour trip. I've pulled off the road and been followed by semi drivers who are heading to a rest area to wait it out. Being from the prairies, at first I thought I'd drive through it and come out on the other side of the downpour since that is how life worked out west. It took me some time and driving through several monsoon like rain storms, one becoming a hurricane, to begin to understand the weather patterns of a coastal climate. I think I have the hang of it now -- but it has been 16 years <smile>.

So -- the song line that has run through my head today came after hearing the forecast for about 3 more grey days with varying levels of precipitation. The lyric is from a song on an album that I almost wore out years back -- one with the odd title of Cosmos Factory. Enjoy!

Who'll Stop the Rain -- Creedence Clearwater Revival

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