Monday, 27 October 2014

Day 300 -- The Puzzling Nature of Trust

Trust -- it is elusive despite our searching. It has been said that trust is earned, which I believe to be true. This trait in a relationship is not innate, but must be worked at by all concerned. Once trust has been betrayed, it becomes extremely difficult to re-establish. I suspect everyone has experienced a loss of trust in a relationship -- those with family and friends, coworkers and those in power positions.

What causes someone to say or do one thing in front of people and something entirely different behind their backs? Are they trying to cover themselves after an error to save face or do they mean to be ruthless to further themselves? Is it that they don't realize that they have done something hurtful and possibly damaging to one or many others? I have often pondered the fragile nature of trust -- how to develop it in a relationship and how to sustain it. Encountering others who have lied or concealed the truth has made me ask what was at the root of the behaviour. I'll admit to generally being left without any sound reasons -- so still not fully understanding the processes. Perhaps the trust I felt was one sided and hence not really there at all -- an illusion.

A song that asks many of these same questions has been with me since childhood. A great poet and philosopher sings this with amazing musicians backing. Love this one for those days filled with that unanswerable question - why? <smile>  Enjoy!

You Told Me -- The Monkees

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