Monday, 13 October 2014

Day 286 -- Illness and work

What can I say? Today wasn't much better than yesterday in terms of the head cold -- in fact a bit worse. <sigh>  The sun was out when I was up once by a window where I could see. Quite a pretty day, with the coloured leaves in the sunshine.

While it is never nice to be ill, I find this particularly distressing when it occurs during the academic term. There aren't many (if any) extra days in the schedule when one has to cover a chapter a week. One class will lose two sessions because it occurs on Monday and we have two holidays. The other course will lose one due to the fall midterm break. Now with me not in full working order, there is the chance of more lost days and no time to make up the content.  I do have a film to show tomorrow and a colleague will ensure someone is there to start the thing and read my questions for the viewers. It is a bit out of sequence, but only about 2-3 days early, so not an issue. If the fever doesn't break by Wednesday, I am not sure how we will carry on with protein metabolism -- no film for that one <smile>.  We don't have subs as they do in K-12 schools, nor do we have teaching assistants to take this on when one is away -- for a meeting or illness. We have always exchanged lecture days for scheduled meetings and appointments, but even short term illnesses leave us unable to fill the spaces.  I will think positive thoughts and we'll go from there.

So -- yesterday I noted there were many songs that I could use so now I can share another of those today -- the only good thing about this silly cold. Now you may not hear a lot of this genre here, but it seemed to make sense to my fever addled mind today -- and gave me a big smile to boot. Enjoy!

Night Fever -- The Bee Gees

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