I've never experienced such a thick coating of ice on every surface. The ploughs had been through early in the morning to clear the streets and sidewalks. Under the ice layer had been snow and under that was slush. The slush that remained after the heavy equipment did the job, froze solid by mid-morning due to a flash freeze. In some areas there are pools of water that gathered during the storm and had no where to flow -- leaving no where else for walkers to go either. Good news -- the new water proof boots work as expected. <smile> The walk into the campus for the afternoon class was wild. Coming back down the hill this evening showed no changes. The roads are covered and hills very icy. So glad I didn't need to drive to work. There was beauty in the ice crystals on the tree branches -- some of the freezing rain that fell during the freeze -- and in the bright sun this afternoon they sparkled like diamonds.
Interestingly, only one song came to mind earlier today as walking into work. I found myself muttering and the next thing I did was laugh as I thought of the lyrics to the song selection for today. The rhythm is wonderful and the dancing great -- just not something that could be attempted outdoors here today <g>. The lyrics say it all for today. Enjoy!
Ice Ice Baby -- Vanilla Ice
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