Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Day 2-56 -- Remaining upbeat

At lunch today, I did a community talk for a lunch and learn for adults 55+. It was great fun!  I'd love to do another session some day. The snow began just before we left the library -- like big flakes of horizontal snow. It was warmer than yesterday and even with the wind chill it was bearable. The wind blew me sideways a few times, though, which is disconcerting when walking on the snow covered ice. Coming back down the hill to pick up some milk and a late lunch, the snow had turned to ice pellets with a ferocious sting -- a Nova Scotia winter facial, I guess.  Luckily, this quickly changed to misty rain that made my mittens wet <grin>.

I'm still hoping for spring soon. Not that I'm wishing my life away, but I'm ready for this any time now. I would like to go to bed and wake up tomorrow with no ice or snow. While this isn't likely to occur, it will happen in the coming weeks. After all, March begins on Sunday. My next big project is to get the driveway cleared again and get the car out of the driveway so I can go to the grocery store that is more than a walk away and buy all the heavy stuff I'm running low on -- sidewalk salt and gritty litter stuff, actual cat litter, and several heavier grocery items. So -- once the lectures for next week are completed and the several other smaller work-related tasks, I'll move in that direction. I remain optimistic that there will be time to move these tasks off the to-do list, even if it is a long list. 

A song came to mind over the past few days as I've wondered about my  hope for an early spring. It seems to fit well for today. I heard this first as a child; my mother loved the soundtrack to the movie. It is a little goofy but fun. Enjoy!

Cockeyed Optimist --  Mitzi Gaynor (from South Pacific)

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