Saturday, 21 February 2015

Day 2-52 -- Infiltrative Thoughts

Today seems to be one of those days when sad thoughts infiltrate the mind. A couple things likely set off this train of thoughts that just ferreted its way in. I'm tired of many things from winter to regular frustrations to the (real) pain in my neck. <smile>  Perhaps this is the January blues showing up a bit late --I seem to feel behind in many tasks, so maybe this one got shoved to the side and is now demanding attention.

Thoughts that I would rather ignore find their way into the front of my mind -- often when I least expect them. In the grand scheme of life, these are not huge things, but they do create several negative feelings. I focused on some grading most of the day, which helped me to push the other thoughts out of the centre  space they were vying for.  I walked to do some cat care for a travelling friend and the ice on the hilly sidewalks demanded all of my attention. Often walking helps me to remove the stressful thoughts, but this walk brought in new srtesses <smile>. Knowing that more rain and snow is expected over the next 2 days and again mid-week is just more than I care to ponder.  I guess the bottom line is that I am just tired physically and mentally --either that or I'm becoming a curmudgeon. <smile>

The song that came to me today discusses a painful feeling -- one caused by the thought of a person. The lyrics fit well with the infiltrative thoughts experienced in my day. The singers work well together. Enjoy!

Here Come Those Tears Again -- Jackson Browne ft. Bonnie Raitt

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