Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Day 2-55 -- Relaxation of Baking

Another day working away at grading but it was productive.  It was very cold outside and felt coolish even in the house. It seemed like a good day to turn on the oven and bake something. So, I did. I made some regular buns and sweet rolls.  They are 'resting' at present, awaiting sampling. <smile>

I love cooking and baking. Time doesn't always allow me to do this as often as I'd like. I have learned to do binge cooking and baking when time presents itself. The deep freeze can be filled with all types of delights, which makes dinner easier after a long day at work. I'm hoping that I'll be able to make some muffins this week and some larger pots of soup and chili with biscuits. Other ideas may come to mind -- we'll see how things go. Cooking can be very calming while giving the feeling of accomplishment -- something we all can use <smile>.

Since I'm writing about making bread in a blog that is diary-ish, this song seemed to fit perfectly for today. The song is one that I heard often while working in a department store record department (along with sporting goods, china and housewares). It brings happy memories and is relaxing, just like baking. Enjoy!

Diary -- Bread

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