Monday, 23 February 2015

Day 2-54 -- Future Planning?

Traversed the icy streets today for an appointment and to check on the cat of a friend. No wind made the day feel almost balmy for a change, but it was just around freezing so really not cold. It is to drop to -20C overnight and stay cold during the day tomorrow with major wind chill factors. Luckily <smirk> I have enough grading to keep me occupied indoors all day tomorrow.

My appointment was the annual RRSP banking discussions. Retirement -- some days I'd start in a heartbeat and other days bring more measured plans <smile>. Planning for a new phase of life is daunting to say the least. Scary might be a better descriptor. I never really thought about it years ago when I began saving for retirement. Now when they refer to holding a product for 5-10 years, I wonder if that is too long or not long enough. How would one know if they were ready to retire -- not financially, but psychologically? There must be a planning group somewhere that allows people to think through the process. I firmly believe one must have a plan and not just 'stop' working. Getting a handle on what should be in that plan brings a variety of anxieties. Hence, my thought to find a group to deal with the fear of change.

While walking from the banking appointment to my next task, I was singing this song in my head. It always makes me smile and it seemed to fit the wishing or dreaming aspect of financial planning <smile>. I love this group -- in all iterations and this was one of their wonderful early songs. The lyrics are filled with double meanings and puns. Enjoy!

If I had a Million Dollars -- Barenaked Ladies

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