Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Day 2-42 -- Gotta get a life

Two events today made me think about normalcy in a life.  One colleague noted that planning social events was difficult for 'us' but not for others who have a 'normal' life. I've often felt a twinge of envy or jealousy when work becomes all consuming. I wonder what I am missing that other people have, though I'm sure this could be noted in reverse, too.  It's not that I dislike my life, but one wonders some days about other routines.

In the afternoon, while talking to another colleague, she noted that she was going out for groceries. I immediately asked if she wanted a tag-along.To be honest, I was almost giddy. I told her I really needed to 'get a life' being as excited as I was with a trip to a grocery store. It has been two weeks between shopping trips and I so needed to just get out somewhere for some produce and a few other things that we'd run low on at home.  I met another friend at the store, as well, who was shopping before the next expected storm coming tomorrow into Friday. There are two others in the offing for the weekend and into next week -- maybe.

What song fits that sort of feeling? One did come to mind from a Lerner and Loewe musical.  It does need some clarification, though, just to be clear on the motivations behind this choice.  This song came to mind when thinking of songs that talk about understanding others -- one societal sub-group wondering about another sub-group.  This song portrays a major hierarchical difference between royalty and commoners. I in no way feel that I am in a sub-group that is better than any other -- just different. So, I don't see myself as a put upon queen <grin>. The lyrics are questioning and wondering how others cope with daily life events. It is light and upbeat. I've chosen a version of the original Broadway cast. Enjoy!

What do the simple folk do? -- Julie Andrews and Richard Burton

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