Friday, 13 February 2015

Day 2-44 -- Triscaidekaphobia

Today was Friday the 13th.  Since I was 10 this day has held some degree of dread for me.  I've only broken one bone in my life thus far <touch wood> and that was on Friday 13th in a freak incident. As a child, this did create some anxiety and I will admit to still having some residual angst these many years later.

I suspect some of this comes from growing up with a superstitious Irish-descended grandmother. I loved her dearly, but some of those OCD-like habits seem to have transferred to me <smile>. Spill salt -- it goes over the shoulder. Tempt fate --I touch wood like an old druid. Snag a nail on Sunday -- it waits until Monday to be filed. I could go on, but that might seal my reputation as being an odd person <smile>.  I am a scientist but as I often say, knowledge does not lead directly to behaviour change. I often find myself doing or saying something without even thinking about the background of the behaviour -- superstition. It seems to be well ingrained and I'm not sure how difficult that change might be. Some day, perhaps. <smile>

A song for today came to mind earlier this week when I thought about the fact that a Friday 13th in February means another one in March <yikes>.  The song is another from the '60s performed by a stellar group. The lyrics deal with superstitions so seemed to fit the day. Enjoy!

Run, Run, Run -- The Who

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