Thursday, 19 February 2015

Day 2-50 -- celebrations, crowds and ruminants

An auspicious day today -- it is lunar new year and my mother's birthday -- The Year of the Sheep or the Year of the Goat, depending on what you read. I've been told the traditional greeting translated from the original Chinese does not mean Happy New Year, but something akin to "congratulations on becoming wealthy."  That is a good wish -- to have as much as one needs.

I've been in Hong Kong on Lunar New Year before.It was the year of the Horse and the decorations in the city had been amazing. The shopping district was wall to wall people. Hundreds and hundreds of people crossing at the lights.We held onto each others coats to ensure the four of us were not separated. It was a wild experience for someone who hasn't lived anywhere nearly as large as that city. On New Year's Eve Day the whole city seemed to be out shopping for new clothes, household goods, and fresh flowers. The crowds there were nothing compared to what we encountered at the airport the next morning. This is a major four day holiday and everything shuts down as people go to visit family. Flights are generally over-booked as was our flight. We stood firm and refused to be shunted to a different airline with very different routing and arrival times in Vancouver. The flight itself was bizarre, with flight attendants in the galley for 9 hours of a 10 hour flight, totally ignoring the passengers. Another interesting life experience everyone should try -- but just once <smile>.

I expect that everyone feels lost in a crowd every once in a while.  Its a sort of anonymity among many even if they are people who know you. Maybe it is more like feeling ordinary or shunned. It may be an almost lonely feeling that can be very fleeting, but it can settle in for a nano-second every now and then. Sometimes it involves a moment of anxiety or panic, but just a tiny moment. Then before you have time to fully grasp the breadth of the event, it is over, much like our experiences crossing those streets years ago. Perhaps it is a reminder to choose not to go with the flow -- sheep mentality <smile>. So -- today the song of choice mentions a line that I've thought of often. It is a simple song, but very effective.  Enjoy!

A Face in the Crowd -- Tom Petty

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