I spent this partly sunny day prepping lectures indoors and moving snow around outside. Well, I'm not sure snow is the correct term. It was more like ice bits that were glued to the underlying ice. The good thing is that the path is now even -- at least until the next semi-thaw when the footprints in the slush will make it all uneven again. I chipped the last of the ice and snow layers off the car -- lifting large slabs of ice from the windshield. I called my plow guy who has a wicked cold, but he sent a backhoe along to move the piles of ice left by the street and sidewalk plows and I now have an open driveway. I started the car to see if it would move or was mired in ice and frozen to the ground. It moved back and up onto the next layer of ice. I believe this means I can make a trip to the grocery store <grin>. It is amazing how odd it feels to have one's regular schedule disturbed.
A few minutes ago we were sitting here and a loud clicking noise began. I soon realized it was a dripping noise. This time the water is from the exhaust fan in the kitchen -- 2 feet east of the cupboard that had water on the weekend. Almost everyone has some degree of leaking at work or at home or at the mall. Roof ice is blocking the melted ice from running to the eaves troughs. So, it backs up under the shingles and finds a way into the building. Water always finds a way <sigh>. A plastic container will catch the drips for now and we'll think positive no-drip thoughts for long term.
The song that came to mind today has lyrics that remind me of potential major difficulties. It does this in an upbeat way. Enjoy!
Up on Cripple Creak -- The Band
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