Monday, 23 February 2015

Day 2-53 -- A Rainy February Day

The rain poured down most of the day.  Sadly, the temperatures were not very high, so very little melted. Snow and existing ice have just been reinforced. I was prepared for the rain, but I wasn't prepared to have it indoors with me. There was a constant drip through the ceiling fan in the bathroom for most of the afternoon. Then it stopped just as it had begun. Abruptly. When I was making supper, I reached into the cupboard above the stove for the tinfoil, and found a soggy, disintegrating box. So, the rain seemed to get from the roof to the bathroom fan but also across to the wall the two rooms share. That seemed to be the only place with any ugly brown water. Luckily in the bathroom, the fan is directly above the toilet, so no water made it to the floor -- one should be thankful for small mercies <smile>. Temperatures will fall more than 20 degrees in the next 24 hours, so all the roof ice will freeze until the next day with rain and such.

My home is not the only place with such invasive water. A friend's bedroom had water coming in through the light fixture. At work, several offices had water through the ceiling much of last week. The roof ice is everywhere. Icicles are larger than seen in many years and they are in places I've never seen them before. While lovely, they can create quite dangerous situations. I do recall my first winter here when they had chain saws out to cut the icicles off the cathedral. Definitely something I'd never encountered on the prairies.

There was a song line that came to me today that I'll share with you all.  The song is an older tune -- one from those early days of rock 'n' roll . Enjoy!

Baby the Rain must Fall -- Glenn Yarbrough

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