Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Day 2-105 -- Music and Emotion

Thinking and working today -- focussing on the numbers for grade calculations and preparing for the next final exam on the calendar.  Thinking was about music that was relaxing with several wonderful examples coming to mind. Some of the songs contain sadder stories of loss and pain, and yet the lyrics and melodies are breathtaking.  I will admit that listening to several of these songs made my afternoon.

Music can contain such emotion and can leave one feeling better. The same song can mean different things on different days -- yet is always enjoyable in its own way. Music is everywhere and some of it is less than stellar -- that elevator style music -- some of it simply amazing. Where a particular tune falls along that spectrum depends entirely on the listener. We all hear different things and interpret music based on our pluralistic experiences. Even so, many songs strike a chord with a large number of people, which moves the song into a place of honour -- those 'hit lists' that exist for various genres. Regardless of whether others love or hate the song, if one person enjoys it that is an amazing thing.

Today I'll share one of the wonderful songs I spent time with this afternoon. This version has two great singers -- an unexpected pairing -- and the treat of a guitar solo at one point. Enjoy!

Too Much Love can Kill You -- Brian May & Pavarotti

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