This drawn out stressful feeling often results in anxiety dreams -- those feelings of needing to run away from something or hide from someone. It can lead to reduced ability to focus, increased frustration and much shorter temper. The degree of fatigue and frustration also leads to the inability to say 'no' because there is no energy to argue or explain -- thus the cause of the stress can be self-perpetuating. <sigh>. This doesn't mean there is no laughter, as there is -- often laughing at the situation and my reactions. Without the ability to laugh, this would be even more hateful.
Lyrics from a song came to mind while shopping for groceries after work -- tired and hungry at a grocery store is not helpful <smile>. This song is by a band featured here often and the chorus lyrics reminded me of the situation I am experiencing with the morass of activities and stressers. Enjoy!
Run through the Jungle -- Creedence Clearwater Revival
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