Living the the greyness of postmodernism seems much more comfortable to me than the binary world of modernism -- black or white, right or wrong. Instead postmodernism uses words like 'both' or 'and' to show the openness and plurality of ideas, truths and experiences. I enjoy discussing this with students, and find that art fits so well into the discussion and explanation. Fingers crossed for tomorrow <smile>. Not everyone will feel comfortable without the staid structure of modernity. That's OK -- those of us in the grey zone understand and accept your difference. If only you were able to accept ours -- but then you wouldn't be different. So, maybe non-acceptance is a good thing here.
In a conversation on an entirely different subject today, the greyness vs. black and white arose. We noted a song from the '60s that described this so well. Seeing my photos on the slides for tomorrow reminded me of the song again. So that is what I will share with you today. It was a protest song that spoke to architectural trends, urban sprawl and suburbia. And yes, it covers off a protest to aspects of modernism, too. <smile> I've chosen a version sung by the songwriter. I will admit that the song itself can grate a bit, just like the phenomena being described. Enjoy!
Little Boxes -- Malvina Reynolds
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