Sunday, 17 April 2016

Day 3 - 108 -- Physical Labours

A day for wrapping up several things on that infamous 'to do' list. We held another meeting to work through grading of a major assignment. These things seem to take longer than I expect <smile> -- now that shouldn't surprise anyone who reads here. I find it easy to head off on a tangent so that may be part of the problem. It is good that we can find many things to discuss on and off topic. I sent off a review report that is due tomorrow.  After that process, I felt the need to do something physical to work through some negative thoughts and feelings that had settled in today. Luckily for me, the front yard still had many branches to clear from the ice and wind storms of the past 6 weeks or so.  I call this an adult game of pickup sticks. I filled the compost cart -- a very large garbage style bin on wheels -- and added to the pile of larger branches that need the attention of a saw before disposal. The larger maple branch is still in the middle of the lawn and is a bit too heavy for me alone to carry -- who knew hardwood was heavier than softwood. Hey, I am from the prairies after all, so my tree knowledge is not innate.

Other household chores were partially done. I'd hoped to get to several other things, but time didn't allow today. I can fit a couple items in tomorrow before the non-stop meeting barrage that begins after lunch. I did find the physical labour today to be therapeutic. Somehow focusing on muscle movement clears the brain -- pushing the circular thoughts back into their own smaller spaces, thereby allowing the usual brain function and mood to resume. I'm sure I'll have some sore muscles tomorrow, but that may remind me and my brain to move forward rather than descend into the vortex of negativity.

Lyrics that best fit the events of the day are written and sung by a rock icon and advocate for a better world. Enjoy!

Cleanup Time -- John Lennon

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