Saturday, 23 April 2016

Day 3 - 114 -- Levy, surcharge, tax

The day began with wondrous sunshine and warmth -- 20C, the warmest it has been in 2016. I went for a walk to get some milk and spent time cleaning up in the front yard. By later afternoon, the clouds had returned and light rain began after supper. Many tasks inside were also completed today or at least moved forward. The last one I tackled was income tax. I usually get this done much earlier, but life intervened this year. I entered much of the information and was in the midst of the final prep forms, when the computer shut down. The battery had run down but I missed seeing a warning or hearing a beep. Once I'd powered up again, the files had vanished. To be honest, I am so tired now, that I couldn't face re-entering things again tonight. Tomorrow will have to do -- still eight days to deadline if I owe anything.

I've often wondered why filing tax returns must be so complex. I've been a government employee and am familiar with the overly officious forms that are used within and outside the bureaucratic system. These can be difficult for many people to complete. It is heartening to know that there are community volunteers to help those who need assistance. But back to the question, why must this be necessary? Software packages may make this easier for some people with computer access. The CRA lists recommended software, free or otherwise. I use one of these and it does help with some of the more complex parts, yet it doesn't help with others. It is better than doing it all by hand, but still has a way to go. <smile> Perhaps the sun was trying to tell me something when it slipped behind the clouds today.

The first song that came to mind this evening is by a truly iconic band. It covers much of the negative feeling that comes around this time of year -- feelings that have been around since the concept of taxation found its way into daily life. <smile>  Enjoy!

Taxman -- The Beatles

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